Senate Approves $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill

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A bill with over 1,000 pages of bullshit in it that spends $1.2 trillion to benefit Jewish agendas just passed the Senate. It was already passed by the worthless Republican traitors in the House.

Swamp Wins: Senate Approves $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill, Narrowly Averting Gov't Shutdown

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) March 23, 2024

While Americans slept, Chuck Schumer got $1.2 trillion in spending passed in the Senate at 330am! Here's a dirty laundry list of what our tax dollars will be funding in this $1.2 trillion garbage! $850k for a gay senior home, $15 million to pay for Egyptian's college tuitions,…

— Mike Engleman🇺🇲 (@RealHickory) March 23, 2024

This will unfortunately avoid a government shut down.

I am 100 percent in favor of a permanent government shut down because the government hasn’t done a damn thing for me my entire life. The only thing the government has done is make my life more difficult than it had to be. Everything about this government sucks. From the fake nigger-tier security theater at airports, to all the retarded environmental regulations, to the economic terrorists at the Internal Revenue Service, to the senseless Jewish wars, to the intentional border security failures etc.. they offer an extreme net negative value.

If Washington DC were to be nuked, there’d be a massive improvement in people’s lives.


Our Semitic enemies deliberately want Americans to be miserable because that way we will be too discouraged to organize and fight back. And it’s a strategy that is working. Meanwhile they help themselves to our money and labor so they can build a perverted, dysfunctional world which only benefits them.

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