Schwarzenegger Controlled Opposition POS

The Deep State has written a script for the big, dumbass, Schwarzeneger in a pathetic attempt to vilify Putin and turn the Russian People against him. It’s obviously written by some state department pos. They’re using the fake conservative, Schwarzenegger because they’ve run out of neocons to try to get conservatives on-board with the deep state war agenda. They tried Dubbya but everyone hates that 9/11 terrorist traitor. They tried Bill Gates and now everyone hates him too.

They’re desperate to get conservatives to support another all-goyim war but that’s not going to happen. It’s now America First all the way. Real conservatives are sick to death of these never-ending deep-state, bankster wars but The Swamp will perish if BRIC’s is successful and so keeps trying to change the conservative agenda. I don’t think anyone is buying this bullshit except for the Ukrainian stooges in the comments.

Hopefully Arnold’s steroid weakened heart will soon give out so we can get this goddamned sellout scumbag off planet Earth.

Get ready to puke because this is the sappiest bunch of bullshit that you’ve ever heard.


Schwarzeneggers entire career has been controlled by the tribe… kinda reminds me of De Niro , played some great characters but nothing like them in reality.


The jew-vax worked, I see…


What’s amusing is that the russian people are united over the Ukraine threat so this isn’t directed at the russian people at all but American conservatives who they need to get another war started.

Right after 9/11 all the conservies wanted revenge and then the ZOG went for their NWO attacks in the middle east. after 20 years the luster of war has worn thin and many now realize that BushCo and Israel did 9/11. they aren’t falling for this shit again.


What a pussy Arnold turned out to be