Saudis Used American Bomb That Killed Bus Full of Kids in Yemen

Originally published at: Saudis Used American Bomb That Killed Bus Full of Kids in Yemen |

It is very rare when CNN actually does legitimate news reporting these days. It looks like this could be one of those rare examples.

According to a report from their international reporters, the bomb that the Saudis used to blow up a bus full of kids in Yemen was an American bomb.

I’m honestly not the least bit surprised by this. We have a huge arms agreement with the Saudis. So why wouldn’t they be using our weapons in Yemen?

What I am surprised by is that CNN would even report this. The Saudis are basically waging war against an Iranian proxy in Yemen. So this war is partially being waged to further Jewish interests in the region. Considering that CNN is a Jewish organization, it is odd that they would expose this.

The only reason I can think of for them doing this is that they want to start attacking Trump over all these foreign wars still going on. A sort of similar attack strategy that they used on George W. Bush. It is definitely a more valid attack strategy than all this Russia hoax nonsense, but if they made an issue out of it, Trump would probably start withdrawing forces from certain areas and ripping up arms agreements. He’s said before that he is no fan of these endless wars going on.

But this provides an opening for the United States to potentially halt arms sales to the Saudis under the guise of human rights violations. I don’t think it will happen, but it has definitely created an opening.

This story will probably get buried though. We certainly aren’t going to see it get talked about like all the Syria baby gassing hoax nonsense was. And this is despite the fact that there’s much more documentation and evidence indicating that the Saudis really did blow up a bus full of kids.

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