Saudis Reportedly Dismembered Jamal Khashoggi Alive

Originally published at: Saudis Reportedly Dismembered Jamal Khashoggi Alive |

This story about the dead Saudi Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi is getting increasingly more insane. It’s now being reported that he was systematically dismembered alive while his killers listened to music on headphones as they did the killing.

USA Today:

Amid disturbing new details about the suspected slaying of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi inside the Saudi Consulate in Istanbul, the Trump administration said Wednesday that it would give the Saudi government more time to complete its investigation.

"It’s reasonable to give them a handful of days more to complete it so they get it right," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told reporters as he prepared to return to Washington from a series of hastily arranged meetings in Saudi Arabia and Turkey to confront the growing diplomatic crisis.

His remarks came the same day the pro-government Turkish newspaper Yeni Safak published a lurid account of what it said was Khashoggi’s slaying. The newspaper said it reviewed an audio recording of Khashoggi’s murder in which Saudi Consul General Mohammed al-Otaibi could be heard telling those allegedly torturing Khashoggi: “Do this outside; you’re going to get me in trouble.” One of the torturers replied: “Shut up if you want to live when you return to (Saudi) Arabia,” according to the report.

The newspaper said Khashoggi was tortured and then dismembered while still alive. The Saudi who cut Khashoggi’s body up was advised to put on earphones and listen to music, according to the newspaper, which cited government security sources. The execution lasted seven minutes, the newspaper said.

I get that Donald Trump is waiting until a full investigation is conducted but this is not looking good at all. It's a public relations disaster for the Saudi government. Trump's comparison about being "guilty until proven innocent" like Brett Kavanaugh is not going to hold water in this case. With Kavanaugh, there was literally zero credible evidence of wrongdoing. With this incident, there is ample evidence indicating that the Saudis brutally killed this man inside their own consulate.

We have the fact that Khashoggi was seen entering the consulate but not leaving.

There’s all sorts of footage showing a 15 man assassination team.

The Saudis have not been forthcoming with information, refusing to provide security camera footage.

The Turks say they have recordings that captured his killing on his Apple iWatch.

The Saudis had painters and professional cleaners come in to clean up the murder scene.

Trump says he’s going to talk to Pompeo once he comes back from Saudi Arabia, after which we’ll probably see some decisions made.

If Trump doesn’t take action against the Saudis, it is almost certain that Congress will, so he’s going to have to do something. Ultimately, if this causes the United States to distance itself from Saudi Arabia, it will be a good thing. The less involvement we have in the Middle East the better. We can do without that arms deal regardless of the economic consequences.


Just like the retarded Russia investigation that shouldn’t be happening, why do we give a shit about this haji?


If this goat fucker had had any other job it would have been crickets. Trump needs to put a bi-partisan committee together to come up with a solution and to spread any backlash across both sides of the house.


Saudi’s have been butchering Yemenis for god knows how long, using weapons bought from US & UK etc and no one gave a shit, now that a Wapo reporter get sliced up its suddenly a big deal, if ZOG backed off Iran they’d probably finish off the House of Saud.


If this guy had been the driver of the Yemen’s scool bus these disgusting evil pricks bombed to death, full of little kids, then it wouldn’t even be news now.


like i said at the beginning of this insanity. Trump isn’t mad that Saudi scum tortured a guy to death, he and Pompeo are angry that they did such an amateurish job. the fake news is all over this one but only because the fat guy was a journalist. they cared NOT about the torture-murder of 3000 americans on 9/11. go figure…but Trump is desperate for a way to keep sucking Saudi dick because his jew pals in Israel demand it. his stance is about as believable as his backtrack on Russian “meddling” when he stated that he misspoke. Trump is such a GD, compromised asshole, i’m getting that same queasy feeling when i look at him like i have when looking at Obama or Clinton. … Trump THINKS that we need The Saudi filth as an “ally” . this is true only because the stinking, lying Jews have Trump by his tiny balls… a “wall” is not enough. Trump is using the same BS tactics that all presidents use to control the masses for more war. he’s diverting and dividing like Obama and pulling a Nixon/Reagan with his NEW, IMPROVED WAR ON DRUGS, “opioid crisis”. give me a break… but the Trump morons all cheered when Trump touted his greatest achievement, moving the US embassy to Jerusalem which cemented the phony “judeo / christian values” scam in the mind of the foolish xtian masses and makes it much easier to get more goyim to die for the Jews which is in-the-works.


BECAUSE, it’s creating a rift in US/Saudi relations which creates a rift in US/Israel relations AND it proves that the USA isn’t about truth and justice but about war, terrorism and obfuscation. Trump is in but nothing has changed.

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that’s right… the fake news is all over this but actually covered for the real 9/11 terrorists who torture-murdered 3000 of their own citizens. go figure…


That’s fine and I’ve known that forever. I mean just look at the first Gulf War and (((Albright))) (who is worshipped by the media) who said that killing half a million children is ‘worth it’.

I just wish general US citizens would recognise how fucked up the wars are instead of defending them. And yes I do blame the ground troops just as much as the higher level authorities who should know better. There’s no service to thank the troops for at all, especially those who work in (((intelligence))) agencies.


Suspected member of Khashoggi ‘hit-team’ dies in mysterious ‘traffic accident’ in Saudi Arabia

This sounds about right!!

This article goes into some background about this ‘Journalist’ Khashoggi, It claims he wasn’t the mild mannered journalist the legacy media are claiming, he was an activist working on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood and like-minded extremist. He had ties to and similar goals to Osama Bin Ladin and wanted to see a more literal form of Islam controlling the middle east where clerics would rule.
He was (lol) also the nephew of Adnan Kashoggi the famed arms dealer and friend to the stars in the 80’s who organized the deal of weapons for hostages with Iran when they overthrew the CIA installed Shah. Wheels within wheels…

Seriously? Goddamn sand monkeys!

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