Saudis Reopen Diplomatic Ties With Syria

Originally published at: Saudis Reopen Diplomatic Ties With Syria |

The Saudis for years have basically served as a proxy power to the United States and Israel. It looks like those days are coming to an end. Not only did they sign a peace deal with Iran but they are in the process of reestablishing diplomatic ties with Syria. These are two major enemies of Israel and the greater ZOG empire.

After Iran, Saudi Arabia to re-establish ties with Syria, sources say

— Reuters (@Reuters) March 23, 2023

The Saudis would not be doing this if they did not view the United States and the ZOG system as an empire in decline.

This Jewish system is collapsing in real time. It seems like the only people unable to see this are the Jews and their puppets in the West.


Which is concerning because these people are unstable and when cornered will try to do something desperate.


oh, they can see it alrighty…they just don’t know how to deal with it. previously they kept everyone in-line with economic sanctions which forced countries to dump the Jew-Dollar and start the BRICS bank. Now that sanctions are no longer a viable option to subjugate the world, they’re going to have to resort to war only this time the game has changed. China has nuke, a billion people and Russia has land, resources and ingenuity. These two countries have led the way forward for smaller countries to follow without fear of military reprisals from The NATO ZOG. The two big prizes of the 9/11 false-flag event were Syria and Iran both of which still stand in defiance of The ZOG.

The the super-smart Russians developed the intercontinental cruise missile that can’t be intercepted. This singular miraculous invention shook the ZOG to their core and saved The World from slavery by Jew.

YES, BUT… they now know that they can’t intercept Russian and Chinese nukes because of the Russian invention of the nuclear cruise missile. All Russia has to do to make America defenseless is to use the cruise missiles to destroy the intercontinental intercept centers then they can saturate America with their old ICBM’s without fear of them being intercepted. it will reduce America to ashes.

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