Saudis Deny Defending Israel From Iran

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The Saudis have denied defending Israel from Iranian attacks after fake news about them doing so was published on the Internet.


Saudi Arabia has dismissed reports about its alleged participation in defending Israel from the Iranian strikes over the weekend.

The claims were originally circulated by Israeli public broadcaster Kan and a fake website purporting to be an official outlet of the Saudi royal family. Riyadh, however, has reportedly said no official websites provided such information and the country did not participate in the interception of the drones and missiles launched by Tehran.

“There is no official website that published a statement about Saudi participation in intercepting attacks against Israel,” informed sources told Al Arabiya on Monday.

This fake news was clearly planted by Jews as some sort of disinformation campaign to stir up people.

All of these Arab countries including Saudi Arabia are dealing with populations who are demanding to be mobilized and sent to destroy Israel over what they’ve done in Gaza. Obviously, any perceived support of Israel by their leaders would not go over well among these populations.

The Jews have no real friends anywhere and they especially have no real friends in the Middle East.


It’s probably costing US taxpayers a fortune to bribe Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and Egypt into being our “partners” in the Middle East. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Saudis, who are Sunnis, were helping to defend those jew assholes from the Shi’ite Iranians. None of that should be our concern. Getting involved in that part of the world has brought us nothing but misfortune.


Looks like the love affair between The Saudis and Israel is finally over.

The Saudis are very vulnerable to an attack because they’re just a flat sandbox with thousands of oil wells out in the open. They’re going to walk the fence.

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I’m not so sure. Saudi royals are crypto Jews who enjoy antagonizing their Shia rivals. It would make sense for them to interfere with Iran’s revenge. However, the average Saudi hates Israelis for attacking their Palestinian brothers. The royals are playing a dangerous game because there is dissension within the royal family and they could stir up the masses against MBS and the King.

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