Saudi Arabia Admits They Killed Jamal Khashoggi

Originally published at: Saudi Arabia Admits They Killed Jamal Khashoggi |

Saudi Arabia has just admitted that they killed the journalist/intel asset Jamal Khashoggi in their Turkish consulate.

They really didn’t have any choice. This guy was shown going into their consulate and never came out. Plus, you had the 15 man assassination team on film, recordings of his death and all sorts of other evidence.

The royal family is trying to shield themselves from any blame and have arrested 18 people in connection with Khashoggi’s death. This includes a couple of high level aides to Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.


In a royal order carried by state-run media, King Salman, the Saudi monarch, announced that two senior government officials—both close aides of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman—have been relieved of their posts. They are Maj. Gen. Ahmed al-Assiri, the deputy chief of Saudi Arabia’s intelligence, and Saud al-Qahtani, who was in charge of media affairs at the royal court.

King Salman also ordered the formation of a new committee responsible for overhauling the country’s intelligence agency to be led by Prince Mohammed. That was a clear indication that the crown prince won’t face immediate repercussions for Mr. Khashoggi’s death.

Gen. Assiri was directly involved in the operation targeting Mr. Khashoggi, according to people familiar with the matter. Three other senior intelligence officers were also dismissed from their posts.

It isn’t known what role, if any, Mr. Qahtani had in the incident. As media adviser, Mr. Qahtani had tightened controls on the domestic press and stepped up efforts to intimidate and silence government critics.

This is not going to be enough to silence the critics. They're still claiming that it was an interrogation gone wrong and his death was just an unfortunate incident. That of course does not explain why a 15 man assassination team equipped with a bone saw was sent to do an interrogation. These people were obviously ordered to kill the man and after it went bad the people who did the killing were thrown under the bus.

It is just extremely difficult to believe that these people decided to do an assassination like this, especially without permission from someone in the royal family.

This whole story is ridiculous. The Jew-run media has made this one of the most important news stories in the world largely because of Khashoggi’s profession as a journalist and that they stupidly believe they can use this story to bash Trump.

In the months before they were fully supportive of Saudi Arabia and had little to say about the horrific war they’ve been waging in Yemen. It’s yet another case of selective outrage from the kikes in the media.

It will be interesting to see how Donald Trump responds to this news. He promised severe consequences so we’ll have to see how it plays out.


This sort of takes the focus off the Beaner army heading el nortè (should arrive November if unimpeded) and keeps the pressure on Trump. Also a convenient distraction from the US air attacks on the Kurds who are trying to fight ISIS and also the Jews continuing massacre of the Palestinians for their use of Kites of mass destruction and Balloons of mass destruction and stones of mass destruction. Khashoggi is a very convenient distraction right now, almost too convenient.

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looks like Swamp Trump is in-the-clear because The Crown Prince DIN-NO-NUFFIN & DINDU NUFFIN…

NY Shiity real estate tycoon INSIDER, Trumpy McTrumpface is squirming on this one. As we all know, the Saudi Royal Family are literally kissing cousins to the 9/11 monster BushCo family. The Saudis have enough 9/11 dirt on US leaders and CIA/FBI psychopaths they could back-fill the entire Swamp. can’t have that…once again our country has been compromised by the Zio / Saudi / Jew alliance. Trump and his “beaufiful jew grandbabies” are biding time to spin and sell this one to the foolish goyim. But Trump can save face if he’d pretend to have misspoken: all he must do is change: “i don’t know any reason why it would be The Saudis.” to: " i don’t know any reason why it WOULDN’T be the Saudis." that worked so well with Russia he should try it again.

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I removed this after reverse image searching, its a cartel victim!!