San Francisco Requires Vaxx Proof for Bars and Gyms

Originally published at: San Francisco Requires Vaxx Proof for Bars and Gyms |

San Francisco announced earlier this week that they will be requiring people to provide vaxx proof to enter restaurants, bars and gyms.

The cunt bitch mayor of the city announced it on Twitter.

Vaccines are our way out of this pandemic. They're how we can live our lives together, safely.

San Francisco will be requiring proof of vaccination for patrons and employees in a number of indoor settings, including bars, restaurants, gyms, and large events.

— London Breed (@LondonBreed) August 12, 2021

Tim Young brings up a good point.

Sooo… San Francisco is going to require proof of COVID vaccine to enter restaurants, bars, and gyms… but you can still legally shit in the middle of the street there.

— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) August 12, 2021

It is absurd for these people to claim that they are mandating this out of public safety when you have totally unsanitary conditions throughout the city.

You should be much more afraid of crazy homeless people pissing and shitting everywhere than you should be of the coronavirus that is basically just the flu and has a 99.9 percent something survivability rate.

These people who claim they preach tolerance, equality etc.. are literally trying to coerce people into taking a death shot. This is the opposite of tolerance and will only increase inequality by excluding large groups of people who do not want to take the death shot from being able to participate fully in society.

This is pure evil.

At this point, San Francisco should just be nuked. It is my personal opinion that the entire city would be dramatically improved if it were nuked.


Emotional Honolulu Fire Captain Talks About the Vaxx Mandate for Responders


Hey I have an idea kick down that gay ass sign tell the fag inside to eat shit and shove his QR code up his ass. Then fire your cunt mayor and her stupid co-lamers and throw them in a large quarter full septic tank to rot for eternity.
About the 10th time they get that sign kicked down and cussed out they might start to change their mind about their policy.
Hey I’m a dumb feminist libtard Mayor I believe 100% in a unproven method of action vaccine that does not even work and may cause deadly adverse reactions, because NPR tells me to, and I desperately want to believe it works along with all other things I make up in my fake selective reality imagination.
I hope these shitty businesses with these signs all go out of business. They likely will. Hey if I were a business owner I would resist this 100%.
If this is allowed to “get started” we are going to see more and more of this this needs to be nipped in the bud big time.
But I bet the coward libtards living in SF will not do a thing because TV told them it’s not PC to question the Vaxx and to do so means you hate and want to kill all old people (and your probably an anti-AIDS anti-rainbow anti-LGBTPQ anti-Tranny homophobe, sexist mysoginist, and a racist white supremacist TOO) (and also a neo-nazi right winger Trump supporter) (am I wrong or is all that not the implication they all fear) (yes these people are all true cowards less than Beta males subservient to their fat flabby floozy GF or gay prove me wrong ppl of SF)
Just use your iPhone Jew tracking device to scan the QR code goy then install Jew tracking & monitoring software on your phone, I mean don’t you feel virtue signalled now. Congratulations you are now in a special club for “special” people you VIP you.
This coming from a city who thinks $20000 trash cans are more important than having police, Subway system BART is full of crime niggers and extremely dangerous, homeless drug addicts with knives walking around tourist areas, Asians that get attacked by niggers on the street all the time and blame it on white people, poop and used needless on the sidewalks, terrible traffic, people afraid to get out of their car, astronomical rent, and much more.
I mean this is what happens when you have a libtard feminist woman Mayor and cuck city council. Wonder what idiots put them in office.
Truly would be great if a massive sinkhole opened under the whole SF bay area


And, it won’t be one or two death shots - there’s a WHOLE lot more coming- along with endless variants all way up to Omega - then they’ll start all over again with Alpha II, etc.

They’re already talking about a third shot - then more after that - and that also will be mandated for bars and gyms, that you have the latest booster shot.

I suspect there’s be a new booster every six months in perpetuity.

Gotta keep those Jews in the pharmaceutical business in shekels.


I would hire some “teens” to kick down that sign and cuss the dude out LOL

(by teens i mean the codeword for criminal blacks they use in the newpapers)

I bet they would do it for 5 bucks


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