San Francisco Remains Covered in Shit

Originally published at: San Francisco Remains Covered in Shit |

San Francisco is the ultimate conclusion of what you get with diversity and tolerance. You end up having an empty city with shit everywhere.

"There's Poop Everywhere": San Francisco's Office District Not Only A Ghost Town, It's Also Covered In Sh*t

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) May 24, 2023

Number of locations on the San Francisco business closure map are expected to surpass the poop patrol map by 2nd quarter 2024

— Kevin Dalton (@TheKevinDalton) May 2, 2023

This is San Francisco. Joe Biden pays the pensions of Ukrainians but in US cities the number of homeless people, drug addicts and crimes are exploding.

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) May 25, 2023

I’d really like all of these so-called “environmentalists” who whine about climate change and other fake environmental problems, to explain to me how having shit all over the place is good for the environment.

I am very much in favor of having a clean environment. Having shit everywhere is an environmental problem and none of these people seem to have any interest in solving it. They want to spend all of their energy of fake environmental problems like “climate change.”

You’d also think the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would be interested in dealing with this issue. Having feces everywhere ensures the spread of sickness and disease. But no, instead they have been more concerned about hoaxing the fake COVID-19 pandemic than this real threat to people’s health.

Every major American city is going to resemble San Francisco in some form if there aren’t major changes.


Yep - and with recent heavy rains, all of it washed off into the ocean (only to be quickly replaced).

I can’t imagine anyone wanting to go into those wretched areas where mentally ill and drug-addled homeless rule the streets and have all of the rights - entire area smells like urine and feces (not kidding).

1/2 the businesses have closed - with the rest either in the processor threatening to.

Do you think San Franciscans make the connection between their votes and the condition of their once-beautiful city? I assume not b/c they keep voting for the same thing over and over again.


This is the crux of the whole problem.

I think we should send Greta Thunberg in there to clean it all up.


yes, and the street shitters are also drug addicts and black subhumans with a hose of communicable, deadly diseases like hepatitis.


When you import shit, your country or state becomes shit.

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