Ruth Bader Ginsburg Back to Work After Lung Cancer Surgery

Originally published at: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Back to Work After Lung Cancer Surgery |

How the hell is this evil kike bitch back to working so quickly? She’s 85-years-old and just had surgery for lung cancer a few days ago.


Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is up and working as she recuperates from cancer surgery.

A spokeswoman for the court, Kathy Arberg, also says that Ginsburg remained in New York at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on Sunday. No information has been released on when Ginsburg might return home.

Ginsburg underwent surgery Friday to remove two malignant growths in her left lung. Doctors say there is no evidence of any remaining disease.

Now 85, the justice has been treated for cancer two other times. Last month she cracked three ribs in a fall at the court.

Even at such an old age she is totally driven by her hateful desire to kike the goyim. This desire seems to be the only thing keeping her alive. It's sort of the same thing that is keeping that old kike George Soros alive.

But mark my words, she won’t be around much longer. She looks like the living death.

It will be truly glorious to see all the Jews and shitlibs cry when President Trump nominates a replacement for her.


A 20 year old Palestinian’s heart every 5 or 6 years can sure keep you going. Lung cancer…? Sure…!


Does the cancer have a Patreon?

What a joke our whole constitooshunal system of government is. Imagine this refugee from the crypt being allowed to serve on the Supreme Court in the first place! She ought to be burning in the eternal fires of Gehenna by now.

of course she’s not really “back at work”. this is fake news… she’s still in the hospital and incapable of working but not voting and that’s all they want her for. she can’t hear the oral arguments and isn’t there to ask questions. at this point she’s just a liberal voting zombie. there needs to be a mechanism for removing incapacitated justices.

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