Russia's Inflation Has Slowed Considerably

Originally published at: Russia’s Inflation Has Slowed Considerably |

Inflation in Russia is slowing down considerably as inflation spirals out of control all over the West.


Annualized inflation in Russia has slowed to a rate of 3.15% as of April 10, according to data from the central bank.

According to the regulator, this happened “mainly due to the effect of the high statistical base of the spring of 2022,” when prices surged amid the first rounds of Western sanctions and tensions regarding the conflict with Ukraine.

The indicator continued to fall after a sharp drop to 3.51% in March from 10.99% in February. The last time the consumer price index in Russia fell below 4% was 2020.

Overall, prices in the country have risen 1.67% since the beginning of 2023. The rise in prices for goods slowed significantly, while the slowdown in the costs of services was less noticeable, the regulator said.

We were told the sanctions were going to destroy Russia’s economy and they did the exact opposite. They strengthened Russia’s economy and destroyed the West’s eeconomy.

The Jews who pushed these policies were retarded for doing so. Now they are losing control over their gay homosexual empire while the Russians they have virulent hate for are in a stronger economic and military position than ever.


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