Russians Are Allegedly Backing Bernie Sanders

Originally published at: Russians Are Allegedly Backing Bernie Sanders |

This Russia nonsense just keeps getting increasingly retarded. The United States government is claiming with no evidence that Russians are trying to aid Bernie Sanders presidential campaign.

There are people shilling this bullshit all over social media. The narrative being advanced is that Sanders is a bad person and a Russian shill. All because he was allegedly notified about Russians conspiring to help him a month ago but did not share any of this information with the public.

Bernie Sanders has known for a month that the Kremlin was trying rig the nomination for him. Instead of getting it declassified, he tried to keep it a secret from us. Then he attacked the media when it finally broke the story. Fuck this guy. #BernieKnew

— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) February 22, 2020

Bernie Sanders was notified by US officials that Russia is trying to aid his 2020 campaign, and he hid that fact from the public for a month.

— Jon Cooper 🇺🇸 (@joncoopertweets) February 22, 2020

They are promoting all this with no factual information. It’s just a narrative put out by the government and promoted by the establishment Jewish media.

For some reason Bernie has been validating this Russiagate bullshit instead of calling it out as the hoax that it is.

Leftist Russiagate skeptics like Jimmy Dore and Michael Tracey have had some good commentary on the situation.

As predicted, they are now using Russiagate to sink Bernie, which is why it was always horrible strategy for Bernie to validate it instead of debunking it. Even in this clip he props up bogus CIA talking points WHILE ACKNOWLEDGING that they are weaponizing it against him. WTF?!?

— Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) February 22, 2020

It is not a coincidence that the Russia conspiracy crap has been used to delegitimize both Tulsi and Bernie. Difference is that Tulsi fights back, whereas Bernie makes concessions to the “Intel Community” apparatchiks and deranged conspiracy freaks

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) February 22, 2020

Meanwhile, we have Israeli lobbyists openly running ads against Bernie.

So if foreign interference in American democracy is something these people are so concerned about, why are we talking about Russia and not Israel? At least with Israel, we have documented proof that they are actively interfering in America’s political system.

But nobody seems concerned about that and that’s because the United States government is controlled and influenced by Jews and Israel. It’s that simple.

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Bernie Sanders and Michael Bloomberg:


I cannot believe people will just take information from the (((media))) and just believe it.

Just like they called people who attended Charlottesville racists in the title with absolutely nothing to backup said claim. They always put divisive adjectives in their sentences before names because I suppose they know 99% of people will just go along with it.

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