Russian Trolls Blamed for Bad Reviews of Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Originally published at: Russian Trolls Blamed for Bad Reviews of Star Wars: The Last Jedi |

All the new Star Wars films that have been produced by the Jew-run enterprise of Disney have been terrible. Instead of blaming the kikes that created and marketed this shit, we have studies coming out blaming the Russians for people not liking this horrible Jewish garbage.


Did Star Wars: The Last Jedi destroy the franchise and permanently rupture the fandom as its critics (melodramatically) have accused it of doing? According to a new academic paper by researcher Morten Bay, the answer is clearly no.

The paper, titled Weaponizing The Haters: The Last Jedi and the strategic politicization of pop culture through social media manipulation, examines the online response to 2017’s Last Jedi, a movie that has come to be considered controversial amongst the larger fanbase of the franchise.

Bay suggests that reputation may not be earned, and instead “finds evidence of deliberate, organized political influence measures disguised as fan arguments,” as he writes in the paper’s abstract. He continues, “The likely objective of these measures is increasing media coverage of the fandom conflict, thereby adding to and further propagating a narrative of widespread discord and dysfunction in American society. Persuading voters of this narrative remains a strategic goal for the U.S. alt-right movement, as well as the Russian Federation.”

The paper analyzes in depth the negative online reaction, which is split into three different camps: those with a political agenda, trolls and what Bay calls “real fantagonists,” which he defines as genuine Star Wars fans disappointed in the movie. His findings are fascinating; “Overall, 50.9% of those tweeting negatively [about the movie] was likely politically motivated or not even human,” he writes, noting that only 21.9% of tweets analyzed about the movie had been negative in the first place.

"A number of these users appear to be Russian trolls," Bay writes of the negative tweets.

Yeah, so this crazy study says that Russian trolls are at fault for all the bad movie reviews. This is a very bizarre conspiracy theory. The Last Jedi was an objectively terrible film. They rehashed an old plot and repackaged it with shallow and uninteresting characters. And on top of that, they pushed feminism and multiculturalism down everyone's throats throughout the story.

The worst part was that fat Asian being forced to kiss the nigger. It was the most awkward scene in the history of movies.

Russians had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that this film sucked. The Jews at Disney have ruined the Star Wars brand and they’re the only ones to blame for the film’s poor reviews.


Morten Bay…



which is exactly the jew plan


What the US Alt-Right and Russian trolls did to this movie can only be described as another Shoah.


i have only seen the original star wars movie but i didn’t go to the theater. i may have downloaded it. can’t remember. i wasn’t too impressed. they get in these spaceship laser fights and keep missing. i guess that their spaceship laser weapons couldn’t yet lock-on to their targets like an 80’s fighter jet. it was about as technologically advanced as a WWI dog fight but not nearly as entertaining. i was glad i didn’t pay to see it… but now that we have the internet, there’s no end of informative, creative and helpful videos so why would i pay to watch crap and support that evil jew-propaganda industry?


Just wait until we get them hooked up to the pedal-powered masturbating machines.

The kvetching will be epic.


They don’t even attempt to have a believable plot and appealing characters, and the indoctrination has become so overt as to make their dreck unwatchable. Now they expect “Russian trolls” to give them good reviews?


@rmartins I tried reading the article you linked to but it was like something written by a GIRL in HIGH SCHOOL who just had a fight with her BOYFRIEND. I thought Esquire was supposed to be a famous and sophisticated magazine that had certain literary standards? I mean, they sent Allen Ginsburg, William S. Borroughs and Terry Southern to cover the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, for god’s sake.

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Billions of dollars coughed up for Star Wars

40 years later: zomg u killed teh franchise!!!1!

fuck Jewwood, just watch Jay Leno’s Garage on Youtube. also search for “ion derelict” this guy builds some amazing cars.

this “car” video is funny has hell!

here’s a fine example of what Icon does. LS7 1950 Buick. WOW!