Russian Politician to Women: Do Not Have Sex with Foreigners During World Cup |


A Russian politician has warned Russian women not to have sex with foreign men during the World Cup. Instead, if a Russian woman feels as though she must have sex, she should have it with a member of “her own race.”
The comments, made the day before the international soccer tournament is set to begin in Russia, come from Tamara Pletnyova; the Russian politician who oversees that country’s Family, Women, and Children Affairs Committee in the lower house of parliament.

Speaking with a Moscow radio station, Pletnyova said that the World Cup presented a danger in that it could lead to a rise in the number of single mothers.

“These children suffer and have suffered, even since Soviet times,” she told Govorit Moskva.

The prospect of a child being fathered by a foreigner poses even greater dangers, according to Pletnyova.

“If it’s another race, then it’s even worse,” Pletnyova continued. “We should give birth to our own children.

Somewhere in the sea of multiculturalism a tiny voice is heard.


Especially not with fucking niggers, the lowest level of subhumans.


Excellent advice; how unfortunate that it is even necessary to point out the obvious.