Russian Lawmaker Rightly Calls US Debt a Pyramid Scheme

Originally published at: Russian Lawmaker Rightly Calls US Debt a Pyramid Scheme |

A Russian lawmaker has correctly called out the US debt a pyramid scheme.


Senior Russian lawmaker Vyacheslav Volodin has branded US federal government debt a global pyramid scheme that is heading for an inevitable collapse. The comments come as Washington struggles to agree on raising its debt ceiling to avoid a default.

“Just think about it, in 2023 interest payments on the US debt could reach $1.5 trillion – almost a third of all US budget revenue!” Volodin, who serves as chairman of Russia’s lower house of parliament, said in a Telegram post on Friday.

“The US public debt is a global financial pyramid, built by Washington to defraud other nations,” the State Duma member wrote. “History has shown that all pyramid schemes eventually fail,” he added, warning that the dollar is becoming toxic.

Countries dependent on the US dollar should start looking for alternatives such as national currencies, to reduce risks for their citizens, Volodin concluded.

He’s 100 percent right. The Federal Reserve and the entire US Dollar system is a massive Jewish usury fraud. They create money out of nothing on computers and people have to work to get these digits that they manifest out of the ether.

US national debt has reached a point where the annual interest payments on the debt are larger than the entire annual budget for the military. Raising the debt limit does not do anything to deal with this problem.

This along with all the gay homo shit that they are trying to spread is why countries are moving towards alternatives. They want to limit the damage that they will have to deal with as this system unravels.


and THIS is why The ZOG is trying to start WWIII. The USA was floating their enormous debt by selling treasury bond IOU’s to other countries to keep the ponzi scheme from collapsing. The World was forced at gunpoint to buy these treasury notes. but The ZOG has overplayed their hand by torture-murdering 3000 on 9/11 as a pretext to invade the Mid-East countries for trading oil in non-Jew-Dollars and starting rival banks. That caused Russia to stop the NATO war-machine in Syria and Iran and THAT prompted The USA to sanction Russia and THAT caused Russia to start the BRICS bank which threatens the corrupt ZOG empire. stupid is as stupid does.


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