Russia Rightly Declares LGBT Faggot Movement a Terrorist Entity

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Russia has rightly declared the LGBT faggot movement a terrorist entity.


Russia’s Federal Financial Monitoring Service (Rosfinmonitoring) has expanded its designation of persons and organizations deemed to be involved in extremist activities or terrorism to include “the international LGBT social movement and its structural units.” The updated list can be found on the agency’s website.

The move follows a ruling by the country’s Supreme Court last November that upheld the Ministry of Justice’s recognition of the “international LGBT movement” as extremist. Judges also recognized its structural divisions as fitting the same description and banned them; a move that representatives of the gay community said they feared would lead to a clampdown.

I say fuck the gay community right in their gay assholes. The gay community should fear a clampdown. They have no business operating openly in society. They should be forced to use secret handkerchief codes to communicate their gross sex preferences to fellow sexually impaired persons.

I mean, just look at what these faggots have done in the West. In America we have homosexuals singing songs about how they are coming for people’s children. Demonic trannies are reading books to children in libraries. They are marching in the streets with strap on dildos in front of families. The list goes on and on. Nothing is ever be enough for sick queers.


Any decent society would at minimum put homosexuals in prisons or mental institutions. The preferred solution would just be to cure their homosexuality with a bullet to the head. Even though I am not a medical doctor, it is my understanding that a bullet to the head cures homosexuality 100 percent of the time.


I used to condemn school bullying as being cruel and psychologically damaging to the victim. But now I see it for what it is, viz., a natural, normal and necessary response to deviant and undesirable behavior which threatens the continued existence of the tribe. Homos must never be pitied, they are perverts who resent normal people and want to destroy society with their perversions. Needless to say such miscreants are natural allies of the jews, many of whom are homos themselves.


Here is the most warped image I could find yesterday.
Kind of reminds me of a fly or mosquito or some creepy bug you might notice staring at you from the woodwork.
Check out this little pervert. Nice skirt.
He is obviously one disturbed queer-leaning hebe.


and they’re giving children life altering surgery to “change their gender”. Putin recognized that this is an evil that must be stopped before it gets out of control like in The West.

What this declaration means is that (unlike America) Russia has a strong leader that is unifying his country. The police, the people and the courts are following his lead which is something that we haven’t seen since, Nazi Germany.


The refugees would bounce this creature off a fucking roof! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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