Russia Goes Full-Tilt Fascist but in a bad way

if this is true, i’m going to be very disappointed in Putin. it makes him look weak like his commie predecessors and worse yet, it means that the entire country is off-limits to good white people seeking a refuge from multicultural pacification.

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Putin is a short little controllable jew that has never done anything positive for the Russian people despite the presumption that he is a Russian nationalist.


I would say not really. It kind of sucks I guess, but even if Europe weren’t cucked out they might still have these kinds of laws in place. Anything other than first amendment (or more) is definitely strange to us Americans, but I am not entirely against some sort of rule against provocative things. For example, China censors homosexuality on television and makes it difficult to get pornography. I agree with this.

If Russia lets us in, we should be example immigrants and respect the society, culture, and to an appropriate degree, the government. That means not going there to cause trouble by offending natives.

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Isn’t this some thing to keep actual brick-and-mortar news media organizations in line and not the Joe Blow on the keyboard?

I would hope so…

apparently not. it looks to be aimed at the internet because Putin has the ‘brick & mortar’ news in his pocket.

Basketball-Head Jones has a pretty good write-up on these laws. this is an Obama wet-dream…

The legislation will establish punishments for spreading information that.> “exhibits blatant disrespect for the society, government, official government symbols, constitution or governmental bodies of Russia.”

Insulting state symbols and the authorities, including Putin, will carry a fine of up to 300,000 rubles and 15 days in jail for repeat offenses.