Russia Blames Jews for Plane Shot Down in Syria

Originally published at: Russia Blames Jews for Plane Shot Down in Syria |

Russia is officially blaming the Zionist Jews of Israel for a military plane that was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft fire. Israeli pilots were using the Russian plane as a shield and failed to notify the Russians as to their operations.

Fox News:

A Russian military spy plane carrying 15 over the Mediterranean Sea was downed Monday by an anti-aircraft missile from Syrian forces, prompting finger pointing by Moscow over what is called an “intentional provocation” by Israel.

The Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement Tuesday that the Il-20 “coot” jet was hit 22 miles off the coast as it was returning to the Russian base near the Syrian city of Lattakia.

“The Israeli pilots were using the Russian aircraft as a shield and pushed it into the line of fire of the Syrian defense,” Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

Russia said Israel did not warn it of its operation over Latakia province until one minute before the strikes, which did not give the Russian plane enough time to escape.

The Russian defense minister told his Israeli counterpart that Israel is “fully to blame,” according to Russian reports.

Konashenkov called Israeli military’s actions “irresponsible” and viewed them as “hostile,” according to Reuters.

“This absolutely does not correspond to the spirit of Russian-Israeli partnership,” Konashenkov said, according to the wire service, citing Interfax news agency.

The Russian military explained the situation at a recent press briefing. Seems like a very provocative act by the kikes.

Naturally, the Jews are blaming Syria for the incident.

Hopefully this means the Russians will start viewing the Israelis as a serious adversary. For all intents and purposes, they’re an enemy. This incident should make that 100 percent clear to all.

Israel is really pushing their luck with this insanity. They seem to be hell bent on kicking off World War III. Their backs are up against a wall and they have no firm geopolitical strategy moving forward. Everything that they’ve tried to do has failed.


Putin needs to do something or he looks weak.


Heh. In a way,it’s kind of like the King David Hotel happening.

“Goyim,you shouldn’t have built that yuge hotel where we might come along one day and bomb it. It’s your fault,not our fault.”


@somedaysoon agreed how dare Syria have anti aircraft defenses.


Putin is under jew control as much as Drump is, so I don’t expect any Russian retaliation.


I would’ve liked to be the fly on the wall (spy in the wall) when Bibi met with Putin a couple months ago. Israhell seems to have been given free access to attack Syria. Did Putin get something in return?


The Arabs so outnumber the Jews that they should be able to destroy Israhell with rocks. The Destruction of Israel Is Moral, Logical, and Necessary for World Peace. Maybe Putin will flood Syria with S-400 anti-aircraft systems. And Iran can bum rush the Jews with thousands of missiles…