Rudy Giuliani Attacks George Soros Says He's Not a Real Jew

Originally published at: Rudy Giuliani Attacks George Soros Says He’s Not a Real Jew |

Rudy Giuliani just said that George Soros is not a real Jew and this has caused Jews to blow a gasket.

Look at how the Jewish press is covering this.


Rudy Giuliani, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer, told a reporter that he is “more of a Jew” than billionaire Holocaust survivor George Soros.

In an interview with New York magazine, Giuliani also accused Soros of placing four ambassadors in Eastern Europe and bribing FBI agents.

Don’t tell me I’m anti-Semitic if I oppose him,” Giuliani said. “Soros is hardly a Jew. I’m more of a Jew than Soros is. I probably know more about — he doesn’t go to church, he doesn’t go to religion — synagogue. He doesn’t belong to a synagogue, he doesn’t support Israel, he’s an enemy of Israel. He’s elected eight anarchist DAs in the United States. He’s a horrible human being.”

Soros, a Hungary-born Holocaust survivor, is a left-leaning donor to the Democrats and other liberal and pro-democracy causes in the United States, Europe and Israel. He often features in right-wing conspiracy theories about Jews controlling the world.

It is not a right-wing conspiracy theory to talk about how George Soros who is a Jewish individual, is involved in financing all sorts of globalist political agendas. This is just a simple fact.

But Rudy is right that it is absurd for Jews and their golem Internet mob to go crazy calling anyone who criticizes Soros as being an anti-Semite.

It’s basically an admission by Jews that the globalist agenda pushed by Soros is a Jewish agenda. If it wasn’t a Jewish agenda, they wouldn’t be going crazy any time there is criticism of this politically active billionaire Jew.


Giuliani is making a thinly veiled reference to all that he’s done for Israel, such as rapidly recycling the WTC steel and banning photography at Ground Zero, before his friend and co-conspirator Bernard Kerik was convicted and jailed for lying, conspiracy and fraud.

Giuliani was also implicated in the London 7/7 bombings cover-up, having been placed in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, the preceding day, which is merely twenty miles from The Range Home and Leisure Garden Centre, Tulip Retail Park, Leeds, the origin of a till receipt that was “discovered”, allegedly having survived the bomb blast and serving to ‘prove’ the identity of the “suicide bombers”.

In a similar way, in an April 2008 speech at Bar Ilan University, Benjamin Netanyahu bragged of how Israel was still “benefiting” from the “attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon” because of how the event had “swung American public opinion in our favor”. This was when he had his eye on further terms as Israel’s premier, possibly for more than a decade.

But it’s always amusing to see sycophants boasting that they’ve done more for the jews and Israhell than some other random person.

Kerik, the disgraced former New York Police Commissioner, had gone on a four-day trip to Israel to meet with billionaire (((Eitan Wertheimer))) - who was “friends” with (((prime ministers))) - from August 26-29 of 2001, before contradicting multiple credible news reports by claiming “there was no explosives” in an Israeli van, and going on to assert that a “hijacker’s” passport had been “discovered” amongst the ashes raining down from the burning WTC Towers, having been handed in to the police by a mysterious stranger who immediately ran away and was never seen nor heard of thereafter. Funnily, the passport was supposed to have been “soaked in jet fuel” but somehow escaped a fireball and was almost in pristine condition, just like it had come off the Mossad’s production line.

Kerik’s trip to Israel was approved by Rudy Giuliani, and paid for by the NYC taxpayer.

Kerik was subsequently found to have received a $250,000 “loan” from Wertheimer via Brooklyn marble and stone merchant Shimon Cohen who served as intermediary in the transaction, had rent payments to the value of more than $236,000 paid between 2001 and 2003 by Steven C. Witkoff, a (((New York real estate developer))) with business links and other associations with Israel, and received a $28,000 “loan” from (((Nathan Berman))), a prominent local real estate developer and former art dealer who’d immigrated from the Ukraine in 1973.

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