Roseanne Character Died of Opioids in Spinoff Show "The Conners"

Originally published at: Roseanne Character Died of Opioids in Spinoff Show “The Conners” |

The Roseanne remake netted big ratings for ABC largely because of its portrayal of Roseanne as a pro-Trump character. Despite the ratings, the show was cancelled because Roseanne Barr the Jewish actress playing Roseanne compared Valerie Jarrett to a Planet of the Apes creature on Twitter.

ABC decided to launch a spinoff show called “The Conners” that features the same cast only without the Roseanne character. In the first episode, they said that Roseanne died because of opiods.

This is fucked up on a number of levels but not surprising that they would do this. There’s lots of White people who have died or have had their lives destroyed because of opioids. The Jews think that this is a joke and are openly mocking all those who have been impacted from this crisis.

Plus, it didn’t even make sense that she would have died from opioids. The Roseanne character never did drugs or even hinted that she did drugs.

This is a very sick thing. They killed off the only pro-Trump character on television citing her death as an opioid related situation.

ABC is owned by Disney which is run by the Jew Bob Iger, so it is no surprise that they would green light something this disgusting and sick.

“The Conners” show only received roughly half the viewers of the original. After this morbid explanation of Roseanne’s death, it’s safe to assume that viewers are going to tune out. Most of the people who watched this first episode did so only because they were curious how they were going to explain Roseanne’s absence. The show itself isn’t even funny and has been panned by audiences. It has received lots of 1 star ratings on IMDB.


probably BUT, this has all the earmarks of DEA meddling which they were famous for in the 80’ & 90’s. producers would have the DEA “ok” their anti-drug messages. it got so fucking stupid that -while flipping channels- i came across an episode of Walker Texas Ranger and they were hosting a Karate tournament titled: “kick drugs out of America”. get it? no, neither do I… i’m sure that they thought it was very clever however and would have a dramatic impact on jigaboos shooting heroin. i have no doubt that Trump’s DEA is doing the same. they are desperate to make white america fear Opiods as they did LSD in the 60’s. a fearful populace is easily controlled.


No one should watch TV - ever


Amen to that brother. :+1::+1:…One weapon that is used in the war against White people is (((TV ))).
" The Opioids Spinofff " is another example of the Talmudic control of the media.


i threw my Tee Vee away about 15 years ago. the only thing i miss is the weather.


I seem to remember an episode where Roseanne and Dan smoked weed after finding an old joint. Anyway, yes, another reason that we should be using our TalmudVision™ sets for something useful…like target practice.

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Even the weather reports are fake too now.


lol… yeah. not the local weather though. at least not yet.


They get an absolute thrashing in the IMDB reviews.

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I do watch a few shows on Netflix and Amazon Prime such as Man in the High Castle and American Dad! because they are really well done and don’t contain any explicitly anti White hatred. And once in a great while I will watch the PBS Newshour, but only because I want to know what the enemy is up to. I used to watch a great deal of TV but it obviously had zero effect as far as brainwashing goes.


The talmudvision is jewish mind control