Richard Spencer is the Worst Faggot in the Universe

Originally published at: Richard Spencer is the Worst Faggot in the Universe |

Richard Spencer who helped destroy the old Alt-Right and sold his soul to this evil Jewish system, cheered on the highly unjust and absurd guilty verdict given to Ricky Vaughn. Vaughn whose real name is Douglass Mackey was literally railroaded by this horrible injustice system for posting a meme.

Look at this post from Spencer.


β€” Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) March 31, 2023

Spencer literally claimed that posting a meme was an obvious violation of election law.

What he did was pretty obviously a violation of election law. If he had posted flyers saying the same thing, the case wouldn’t have been controversial. But apparently, this is about β€œmemes.”

β€” Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) March 31, 2023

No honest or sane person believes this. There was no evidence that Vaughn posting a meme resulted in a single person’s vote being disenfranchised.

The situation is especially absurd when all sorts of other totally egregious and provable violations of election law have taken place that nobody else has gotten in trouble for.

People have rightly called him out as the faggot traitor that he is.

You literally work for the SPLC

β€” Esoteric Shaggyism (@EsoShaggy) March 31, 2023

you are a Federal Agent

β€” John (@theghostofkyiv3) March 31, 2023

Does this fuckstain actually get his talking points from the ADL now?

β€” Jason Stonks πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ (@JasonStonks) March 31, 2023

I think I know what happened. After UTR in 2017, the Feds gave you the ultimatum to either work with them or be sued out of your $10 million dollar net worth. Obviously you choose your money, & you've been making cringe takes ever since per your Fed employers bidding. Am I right?

β€” Vlad Petrova (@vlad_petrova) April 1, 2023

There is now no doubt in my mind: Richard Spencer @RichardBSpencer is some sort of government asset or agent, compromised somehow (my speculation would be probably over tax issues).

His job is to discredit the Dissident Right.


β€” Gonzalo Lira (@GonzaloLira1968) April 1, 2023

Richard Spencer is the Roman towel boy of Weimar Germany.

β€” SBRrespektor (@Paladinobscure) April 1, 2023

Traitors are worse than enemies and Spencer is arguably one of the biggest faggot traitors to right-wing causes to ever live in American history. He will burn in hell when he is dead.


How sad it must be to sell out and betray everything you once pretended to hold dear.

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In never trusted that faggot even when the right was buying his con.

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yes, and Spencer isn’t the only one. All Republican Leaders too.

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After much consideration and deep thought I believe you are absolutely correct in saying that this man is possibly one of the biggest faggots in the universe. Lindsay Graham looks like Rambo compared to Spencer.

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