RFK Jr. Reportedly to Run for POTUS as an Independent

Originally published at: RFK Jr. Reportedly to Run for POTUS as an Independent | Infostormer.com

RFK Jr. is according to various reports planning to announce an independent run for the presidency and bypass all the bullshit that he’d have to deal with running as a Democrat. He has a big announcement planned for October 9th and it is presumed that he will be announcing the independent run at that time.

This is really his only option as the Democrat political machine would just rig the process against him. They already did that with Bernie Sanders during the 2016 and 2020 election cycles. They’re not even holding any presidential debates since Joe Biden is a senile vegetable who can barely function.

MAGA people like the DC_Draino person are predicting a Donald Trump landslide if RFK Jr. runs as an independent.

Trump Landslide if RFK Runs

“A third of Democrat voters would likely vote for RFK if he runs as an independent in the 2024 election, according to a new Rasmussen poll, potentially handing victory to Donald Trump.”

This is why Dems block RFK from debates
https://t.co/ELBXEqLm6M pic.twitter.com/rfRb6tlmaX

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) September 29, 2023

I’m not so sure of a Trump landslide in such a scenario. The elections are still very rigged and all of the MAGA people just want to deny and/or forget about all of that. They want to believe that we still have an honest election system when that is definitely not the case.

I do however believe that an RFK Jr. independent run would make it tougher for them to rig and manufacture votes. Biden has no real support. It is all a mirage and RFK Jr. would probably take more votes away from Biden than Trump.

Nobody really knows what’s going to happen though. I’m not even sure we’ll have elections in 2024. If things get bad enough economically and socially, the ZOG regime could just cancel them under emergency orders and then try to order a mass killing of their political opponents.


a lot more… There aren’t many Trumpies walking the political fence. I’ll vote for Kennedy with a good conscience. He’s the only one exposing Vanguard and Blackrock JEWS for buying-up single family homes, raising the prices to end The American Dream and turn The Goyim into renters. Of course Kennedy can’t say the “J” word…

Trumpstein had his chance at becoming a great two-term president but failed miserably by cucking every chance he got. Trump cucked on migrants, our 1st amendment, our 2nd amendment, gay pride, deficit spending, The Virus and much more. fuck him… I hope that they put his sorry as in prison.


The Democrats will vote for him and so will many Republicans. If Dump was smart he would take him as his running mate or vise versa.


Trump voters are fucking hopeless. They complained that their orange god-emperor was cheated out of a second term in 2020 but did absolutely nothing about it. So now they are going to vote again using the exact same rigged system and expect more favorable results? 🤦

I like RFK Jr. but the political-media establishment would never allow him to win. He can succeed in taking votes away from Shitpants Joe however. The Demonkkkraps will have to get rid of Biden and replace him with Groovy Gavin. He is the only candidate they have who could legitimately defeat Zion Don.

Well, illegitimately since they will still have to steal votes and overcome the RFK jr. effect. However, when you show the nation what a shit hole California is, no sane person would vote for Newsome.

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that’s what I was thinking. the democrat voter fraud machine wouldn’t be able to overcome a Trump/Kennedy ticket.


Logic and reason is lost on people. I got into it with some libs on facebook. They’re irrational. I told them that the election was clearly stolen and they accused me of loving Trump. When I told them that I didn’t like Trump they didn’t know what to say. I then explained that BOTH PRTIES are destroying America. no replies… They don’t know what to say. They had no one-liners for a guy like me who can’t be pigeonholed.


A Trump/Kennedy ticket would be awesome.

Though even without Kennedy, it’s going to be a Trump landslide.

the 2020 election was a Trump landslide… The Republican’ts need to get an army of vote watchers to scour the countryside for democrat mules. But the lovely Republican leadership isn’t even talking about voter fraud. It’s not even on the radar.

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