RFK Jr. Campaign Ad

RFK Jr. still has the liberal brainwash and says some stupid shit but I agree with 90% of what he says and (unlike jackass, Trump) he says it with clarity and conviction.

He encourages the electorate to stop voting for "the lesser of the evils and shows pics of Trumpstein and OBidenCo. He talks about the consolidation of wealth leaving the masses poor. He talks about the out-of-control National debt from regime-change wars and the 7 trillion dollar PERSONAL debt that Americans are saddled with.

Kennedy pisses me off but there isn’t a politician or human who doesn’t. He’s the only one speaking to the real issues that matter and the best bet for substantive Swamp draining.

The change candidate, Trump blew it and is now desperate to get back the enthusiasm of his 2016 rallies but it’s not going to happen.

Barring unforeseen circumstances, it’s likely that, Kennedy will suck millions of votes from Genocide Joe allowing Trumpstein to overcome Biden’s voter fraud machine.
