Reuters Report Shows Climate Change Funding a Total Fraud

Originally published at: Reuters Report Shows Climate Change Funding a Total Fraud |

A new Reuters investigative report found that all sorts of government climate change funding was being misdirected to all sorts of weird places that had nothing to do with the alleged problem.

.@Reuters and Stanford’s @BigLocalNews asked 27 nations for details on climate finance funding they reported to the UN. Some of the money went to strange places, including chocolate stores, a coal plant, an airport expansion and a hotel

— Reuters (@Reuters) June 1, 2023

There is so much corruption going on that even the corporate media has to report on some of it.

This report of course just confirms what we already know. All sorts of money is funneled into these climate change programs and then the money gets distributed to places via corrupt backdoor deals. It’s basically just a massive money laundering operation.

They hyped up this fake environmental problem called climate change, demanded gazillions of dollars to fight the fake environmental problem and then the money disappears into a blackhole.

There are of course other important aspects of this hoax, but the corruption aspect of it is certainly a big one.


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