Reports Claim Russians Targeted Niggers on Social Media

Originally published at: Reports Claim Russians Targeted Niggers on Social Media |

Research reports commissioned by the Senate Intelligence Committee claim that the Russians tried to brainwash niggers on social media to help get Donald Trump elected President of the United States.


Russian online propagandists aggressively targeted African Americans during the 2016 US election campaign to suppress votes for Hillary Clinton and help Donald Trump, according to new research.

Analysts found that Russian operatives used social media to “confuse, distract, and ultimately discourage” black people and other pro-Clinton blocs from voting, using bogus claims such as Clinton receiving money from the Ku Klux Klan.

Black turnout declined in 2016 for the first presidential election in 20 years, according to the US census bureau, falling to less than 60% from a record high of 66.6% in 2012. Exit polls indicated that black voters strongly favoured Clinton over Trump.

The new findings on the secret activities of the Internet Research Agency (IRA), known as the Russian government’s “troll factory”, were revealed on Monday in a pair of reports to the US Senate’s intelligence committee. One was led by experts from Oxford University and the other by New Knowledge, an American cybersecurity firm.

New Knowledge said Russia had waged a five-year “propaganda war” against the US public. The Oxford researchers said that while the propaganda was meant to “push and pull” Americans in different directions, “what is clear is that all of the messaging clearly sought to benefit the Republican party – and specifically, Donald Trump”.

Both reports faulted the major social media companies – Facebook, Twitter and Google – for what they said were ongoing failures to turn over exhaustive data to US authorities investigating the Russian campaign. They said some executives had “misrepresented or evaded” and “dissembled” in statements to Congress.

So they're basically claiming that niggers didn't vote because Russians posted memes on social media. But it is not a surprise that less niggers voted in 2016 than in 2012 because Hillary Clinton was a highly unlikable candidate. And not only that, the nigger turnout was artificially higher in 2008 and 2012 because they had a chance to vote for the nigger Obama.

But this research is based off of information provided to them from the social media giants themselves all of who have an incentive to keep this Russia hoax going. The top leadership of all these companies be it Facebook, Google or Twitter are all anti-Trump.

The biggest entities involved in interfering with America’s elections are the Jewish social media companies themselves which keep banning people who they disagree with. They’re systematically purging all of Trump’s most prominent supporters from the digital public square. And then we have all of these Jewish racial activist groups like AIPAC, the ADL and the SPLC which represent a far greater problem than anything Russia is doing.

This is just another case of Jews blaming the Russians for what they are actually guilty of.


They make it so obvious to those with the will to see.


I call the term “reflection projection”


How could they tell?


The Guardian assumes that because many blacks voted for Hillary, that if more blacks voted they would also vote for Hillary. If we assume that because many blacks sell drugs, steal stuff, and commit violence, that more blacks will do the same, they call us racists.

The Guardian is the Real Racist.


Remember this Classic ?


Those Russians are super crafty with their nigger social media.



my first reaction when i heard this was: THANK YOU, PUTIN! well, actually that was my 2nd reaction… my first thought was; "all countries are using internet trolls including The New Nited States and we all know about Hasbara jew-trolls who were OBVIOUSLY flooding news comments sections with predictable com-back post like “your tinfoil hat is too tight” . they just loved the “tinfoil hat” vernacular and they all said it oblivious that it outed them as trolls. well, that and the fact that they spelled “Putin”…“Pootin”. i suspected that many of the jew trolls were children.

National Propaganda Radio was all over this story. they think that somehow this proves a link between Trump and his election meddling comrades in Russia. even if it’s true, i don’t care and i’m glad that Russia cared enough to stop the evil witch from starting nuclear war.


beep boop bix nood
