Rallies in Favor of Legal Baby Murder Take Place Across America

Originally published at: Rallies in Favor of Legal Baby Murder Take Place Across America | Infostormer.com

A bunch of ugly and demonic whores spent their weekend protesting in favor of legal abortion across America. It’s odd that these women would protest in favor of legalized baby murder considering that most of them are too ugly or fat for any sane man to want to have sex with. So they shouldn’t have to be overly concerned with getting pregnant and murdering their unwanted child.

BANS OFF OUR BODIES RALLY IN NYC: Hundreds of thousands are taking to the streets across the country to declare that abortion is health care & that every person should have control over their own bodies. We won’t go back. #BansOffOurBodies (via @actdottv) https://t.co/dD6iDaPf18

— MoveOn (@MoveOn) May 14, 2022

They’re claiming it is radical to not want babies murdered.

It has been so inspiring to see millions of Americans across the country, from big cities to small towns, rally in support of abortion rights. The Republican Party awoke a monster with their radical agenda. https://t.co/C2rnzkgWJ5

— MeidasTouch.com (@MeidasTouch) May 14, 2022

This whole “my body my choice” shit is not remotely serious. These same people just months ago were claiming that people have no right to bodily autonomy and demanded that people wear masks and be forcibly injected with deadly experimental shots over a fake pandemic. But now they claim that legalized baby murder is a bodily autonomy issue. These people are nothing but foolish clowns.

I’d also like to note that Stephen King speaking in support of abortion rights has falsely claimed that men can’t have babies which caused great offense to me personally.

If men could have babies, abortion would be a scrament.

— Stephen King (@StephenKing) May 12, 2022

This is obviously a hateful statement as men can absolutely have babies. If they couldn’t, would a major company like Calvin Klein recognize pregnant men? Of course they wouldn’t.

Calvin Klein is recognizing pregnant men. https://t.co/jcafJBoJJs

— The Western Journal (@WestJournalism) May 14, 2022

It’s proven science that men can become pregnant and speaking as a man who can become pregnant because of the proven science, I am allowed to have just as much say on abortion as other birthing persons who happen to have been born with a vagina.

As a result of this, I don’t think baby murder should be a legal practice in America. The fact that these stupid cunts think this is somehow a good thing, shows that they should not have rights and should not have bodily autonomy. They need to be ruled and controlled, otherwise they’ll be taken over by demonic spirits. These rallies in favor of murdering babies show that millions of females across America have been possessed by the devil himself.

In the picture, the lady on the furthest right is the perfect example of abortion whores.

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