Racist Israeli Jews Not Allowing Ethiopian Jews Aliyah

Originally published at: Racist Israeli Jews Not Allowing Ethiopian Jews Aliyah | Infostormer.com

There are thousands of Ethiopian Jews not being allowed to make Aliyah into Israel. This is due to institutional racism within Israeli society.

Jerusalem Post:

The remaining community of Ethiopian Jews sent a clear message to Israel in their Rosh Hashanah wish saying “Next Year in Jerusalem.”

There are still Some 7,500 Ethiopian Jews living in Gondar and Addis Ababa.

Under Prime Minster Netanyahu, the government passed resolution 716 in 2015 which approved the aliyah of the remaining Jews of Ethiopia to Israel. However, this assurance has still not been implemented – reasons given by the Israeli government are due to budgetary strains and political opposition in Israel.

A.Y. Katsof, the head of The Heart of Israel said told The Jerusalem Post in July 2019, that “Until a new government is formed after the September 17 elections, no new decision can be made [to bring the remaining members of the community], we have to wait,” explained A.Y. Katsof, the head of The Heart of Israel, who has dedicated his life to bringing Jews back to their homeland. “It’s really sad and it’s not understandable.”

He continued, ” Jewish communities in Gondar and Addis Ababa are living in dire conditions and with pillars of the community already living in Israel, ‘they are falling apart.'”

The [Ethiopian Jewish community] is the only one people who are really in a situation of life and death, facing real-life danger and really need it.”

They’re the only people [who have] put a number on who can come and how many can come can come, it’s really sad.”

Damn right it is really sad. Israeli Jews must come to grips with their racism and hate of skin color and immediately admit these thousands of Ethiopian Jews into Israel.

How will Israel survive if they don’t admit these thousands of Jewish niggers into their country?


Hahaha this is too much! Oh well typical pennypinchers


So who in their right mind would want to bring a bunch of gorilla nosed, African negroes into their nation? Booga bunga please!


Looks like Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural.


Don’t the Jews realize that those Ethiopians will pay their pensions?


Israel is a racist, apartheid state - but say that and you may find yourself facing prison time.

This is the same Jew-only state that did this:

Which if carried out in a White land would have been labeled “genocide” and be a HUGE deal.

I have no problem with sterilizing African women, I think they should all be sterilized - this is a population group which should NOT be expanding.



our Congress should be telling Israel they won’t get any foreign aid until they admit all jews of Ethiopian descent


lol wheres the big mouth niggers? strange they dont have a problem

Oh vey!!! this Anti Semitism is on the rise again, where’s the ADL & SPLC to help these poor Ethopian Jews.



Ethiopian Jews deserve safe passage directly to Israel. They also should be given cultural training to help integrate them linguistically, culturally, and demographically. Within a generation I expect a significant portion of all Jewish children to be of darker and more distinguishable skin color or else the entire nation of Israel will be determined to be racist.



National borders are being proven to be antiquated. Israel has to follow the world trend and open its borders to at least 10 thousand black Jews. Supporting white exclusivity by Israeli Jews will sink the state. Jews must learn to mix and match.


These (((white))) racist chosen people are opposed to brownies muddying up their gene pool.

Sad really. Diversity would be their strength.

Yes! Diversity would be the strength of Jews everywhere. Atheist Jews have mixed with outsiders to produce great half-breeds. Many of my half-breed Jewish pals gained great heights in the social and business system. Sharing diseased Jewish Genes purify s them and makes them healthier. Israeli Jews can take a large step forward by sharing their Genes with Palestinians.

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