"Queen" Nigger Cunt Harasses White Flight Attendant

Originally published at: “Queen” Nigger Cunt Harasses White Flight Attendant | Infostormer.com

Why are niggers allowed on planes? After you see these video clips of this “queen” nigger harassing a White flight attendant and lecturing her about alleged White privilege, you too will be asking the same question.

Black supremacist lectures White people on airplane that she’s the “queen.” 😆 pic.twitter.com/boNmoChVH4

— Mark Dice (@MarkDice) September 11, 2020

No white person would ever get away w behaving this way. We’d be thrown off the plane immediately. Also, no white person would get away w treating black ppl this way. Also-I don’t know any white ppl who would ever WANT to treat ppl this way. This is privilege+power+base stupidity https://t.co/xX0qb1sKic

— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) September 11, 2020

This video proves that niggers should not be allowed in the airplane cabin like normal humans. There needs to be a common sense law banning them from the cabin area of an aircraft. They should be treated like an animal that can’t fit inside the cabin.

In the case where a nigger must be transported via air, I say make the nigger fly in the storage section of the aircraft. There would also need to be federal regulations mandating that any nigger traveling via aircraft must be locked inside a cage for the duration of the flight. The reason for that is there is no telling what sort of damage an uncaged nigger could do to the inside of an aircraft.

Better yet, let’s just ban niggers from flying entirely.


What an obnoxious sheboon! Not surprisingly these days with their black privilege. See, I can use the race card as well! Let her next trip be by helicopter, I say!


We must offer private flights to queens such as this.


Looks like a quality aircraft. I heard the African space program is doing quite well also.


This one should definitely ride in the cargo hold if not banned outright.


take the n****r out of the ghetto, but you can not take ghetto out of the … I have seen low class blacks in airports with their loud disruptive behavior. These people needs to learn some “bi-cultural skills” so they do not fell threatened or offended when deal with white people. Eptomy of the term CHIPOUT.


Another sickening and dangerous display of the violent unhinged lowly niggers ruining a public white family entertainment center.
The video is old but shows how giving niggers a chance off chains has been a huge failure, like chainsaws, lawnmowers and motorcycles, they don’t work without a chain.
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This would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society.
Their peaceful and generous nature make them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their dedication to exceptional civic values, stable traditional families, parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture and their unflagging pride in maintaining exemplary clean, neat and orderly homes.
Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people.
Property values are boosted and energized by the entry of African Americans into an area thanks to the caring and sincere respect they show for these communities, their absolute dedication to lives of law abiding peaceful neighborliness, and the examples of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant, can-do culture of integrity and honor.
Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.


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