Putin Refuses to Recognize Alleged Biden Victory

Originally published at: Putin Refuses to Recognize Alleged Biden Victory | Infostormer.com

Vladimir Putin understands that the recent American election was rigged and is not recognizing the supposed Joe Biden victory.

Putin still not ready to recognize Biden win https://t.co/oEieyXNw6W pic.twitter.com/dDXkDQTD4F

— The Hill (@thehill) November 23, 2020

If the United States government held the recent election to the same standards they apply to elections around the world, there is no way they would have declared it a legitimate election. Just the fact that observers were kicked out of polling places has historically been enough for them to declare an election illegitimate.

Any honest person who has objectively taken a look at the facts of the situation knows that Biden did not win this. It defies all logic and common sense that close to 80 million people voted for a senile old man who was engaged in all sorts of corrupt dealings.


Our greatest patriot and one of the only guys standing up for white people in America is a guy on the other side of the world

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