Putin Oversees Hypersonic Missile Test

Originally published at: Putin Oversees Hypersonic Missile Test | Infostormer.com

Unlike much of the West, Russia is a serious country and focuses their energy doing serious things. They’re not spending their energy pontificating about the alleged virtues of faggot marriage or tranny bathrooms.

Take in point the testing of this new hypersonic missile that Russian President Vladimir Putin oversaw. Apparently this thing can deliver nukes and evade American missile defense systems.


Russian President Vladimir Putin says a new hypersonic missile system that he says can evade U.S. ballistic missile defenses will be deployed in 2019 as part of Russia’s focus on advancing its military weaponry.

The Avangard weapon system is built around a hypersonic glide vehicle that takes an elusive path toward its target — even as it travels at more than 20 times the speed of sound, according to a report by state-owned Vesti TV.

“Putin says Russia was forced to develop the Avangard after the U.S. withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty in 2002,” NPR’s Lucian Kim reports from Moscow. “He says the Trump administration’s plan to scrap a treaty on medium-range missiles could lead to a new arms race.”

I would not want to make an enemy out of Russia. They have serious military capabilities and are steadily making improvements as this hypersonic missile test proves.

Everything should be done to avoid war with them. And besides, the Russian people have lots in common with the American people. They’re our racial brethren. We should be friends with them.

Of course, the main force trying to get America to do war with Russia are Jews. That’s because they seek to destroy the White race through their subversive activities. And just think, if the United States and Russia formed a military alliance, there is no force in the world that could oppose them. This is what scares the Jews greatly and why they are trying to do everything they can to prevent such a friendship from forming.


Many years ago I read a book of film criticism – more like a history of the cinema, really. Any way, the author was talking about how popular Westerns were in the USSR, and apparently this fact had befuddled other critics. But the explanation offered by my author was that Russians looking to their own territory in the Far East beheld an expanse of untamed, lawless land much like the American Wild West of the nineteenth century. Thus the Russians were able to identify with the American frontiersman in a way that the Western European couldn’t. This at any rate was his thesis. I often think of this idea when I consider how similar the Russians and we are.


If there should be a conflict between ZOG and Russia the world would side with Russia. The US is rightly perceived as a joke country that is weakening and NATO is a shadow of its former self. ZOG’s mercenary forces are filled with trannies, sluts and homos. And nobody is impressed with American military readiness or with the quality of its military hardware. Hopefully the jews have gone as far as they ever will with their evil, monstrous plans to conquer and enslave the world.


Testing it on Israel would be good.


it’s yet another divide and conquer jew tactic. keep the goyim at each other’s throats… i don’t know how many here remember Ronald Reagan’s “star wars” missile defense shield. it was a foolhardy, very expensive, easily subverted, politically correct, destabilizing proposal. the russians knew this but pretended otherwise and it became a bargaining chip in the arms race. but this missille defense shield would have only intercepted ICBM missile (if it worked as planned which was not likely) not land-based or submarine nukes so it was a stupid ideal all along… making the world a safer place is very easy and all sides have negotiators for this purpose BUT the warmonger filth in the Pentagon and their congressional brethren WANT WAR and if they can’t “win” a hot war they attempt to win the “cold war” and get lots of feathers in their caps for doing so. they start a cold war then spend spend spend on arms, taking the world to the brink of annihilation until the other side blinks. this has been the strategy of the West for decades and nothing has changed.

Russians love American Westerns. They were among the few US made films shown during the Soviet era. One in particular is the " Magnificent 7" (1960) which I remember seeing around this time back then. It stars Russian born actors Yule Brynner & Vladimir Sokoloff along with both a great soundtrack & cinematography. I have no desire to watch the remake from 2016 for obvious reasons.
For good measure, check out Clair Huffaker’s 1973 novel, “The Cowboy & The Cossack.” One of the best Western fictional books ever written. If done right, it would make one hell of a movie.

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Thanks for the reading recommendation, I’ll look for that. Also the novels of American writer Zane Grey were popular in commie eastern Europe.