Putin Meets With Syria's Assad in Moscow

Originally published at: https://infostormer.com/putin-meets-with-syrias-assad-in-moscow/

Syria’s leader Bashar al-Assad is in Moscow holding talks with Russian leader Vladimir Putin.

Syria’s Assad arrives in Russia for talks with Putin https://t.co/0d5Cb8EUAb

— Al-Monitor (@AlMonitor) March 14, 2023

It will be interesting to see what comes out of these talks.

The West is rapidly losing influence over the Middle East. Many of the Arab states are actually opening diplomatic channels with Syria. You also have China brokering a major peace deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Russia is obviously going to play a significant role in this transformation considering their friendship with Syria and good diplomatic relations with Iran.

Plus, the people in the Middle East are definitely not on board with all the homosexual and tranny shit that the West has been trying to force on them.

The United States still occupies a significant part of Syria which just happens to be one of the most oil rich parts of the country. No doubt Putin and Assad will be talking about this and other important issues.

The US Congress recently voted across both parties to maintain this illegal military presence inside of Syria. This despite the fact that it is against the rules of the very rules-based order they claim to defend.

US House, in 103-321 vote, rejected a concurrent resolution that would have directed the president to remove all US troops from Syria within 180 days.

Republicans 47-171
Democrats 56-150 pic.twitter.com/nvi8dnzdOz

— Greg Giroux (@greggiroux) March 8, 2023

We might get to a point where the Russians, Iranians and Syrians form a joint alliance that will force them out. Of course, the ZOG empire with its economic problems might just collapse before then making it impossible for them to sustain this illegal and unjustifiavble military presence.


Republicans 47-171
Democrats 56-150

I’m shocked that there were so many voting for this commonsense resolution. At least there are some reasonable members of congress left.

America is leaving them there as human shields for their oil theft. Eventually some enraged Muslim dude is going to drive a truck filled with explosives into their camps. That’s what happened when jackass, Ronny Raygun left 500 marines in a barracks in Lebanon doing NOTHING. They were all buried alive under thousands of tons of rubble when the unarmed marine security guards couldn’t stop a suicide truck loaded with explosives.


I like Assad. He has an attractive wife and family. For all of Trump’s shortcomings, he saved the Assad regime. If Hillary had won, she would have allowed (((Isis))) to run wild and ordered the US to bomb Syria into the Stone Age.


The only time both dems and repukes agree is when it comes to fighting and funding wars for Israel, and Ukraine.

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