Project Veritas Recorded Two Months of Internal CNN Calls

Originally published at: Project Veritas Recorded Two Months of Internal CNN Calls |

Project Veritas was able to get access to CNN’s 9AM conference calls hosted by the disgusting Jew Jeff Zucker. After recording months of their calls, James O’Keefe did a live stream where he personally told Zucker that he and his team had listened to and recorded months of their 9AM calls and asked him for comment. It was pretty funny to watch.

They just started dumping the raw audio on the Internet.

Some highlights that they have released include Zucker calling Rudy Guiliani a useful idiot and them discussing how they planned on spiking the Hunter Biden laptop story.

Zucker also called Donald Trump a bigger threat to national security than the rampant voter fraud that took place.

A CNN executive even said that the NFL should run the government.

They said that they would be releasing new clips throughout the month until Christmas. I’m sure they got these lunatics saying all sorts of crazy shit.

We already know what a shitty Jewish propaganda operation CNN is, but it is very good to see them embarrassed like this. I get great joy out of seeing Jews embarrassed.


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