Prince Harry Marries Half Ape Meghan Markle

Originally published at: Prince Harry Marries Half Ape Meghan Markle |

So this weekend Prince Harry married the mixed race baboon Meghan Markle. Their wedding was broadcast all over television and heralded as one of the greatest things ever.

Markle is best known for acting on some shitty television show. Other than that, there is nothing remotely remarkable or noteworthy about her.

Personally, I find the entire idea of royalty to be goofy and weird but especially so in modern times. I still don’t understand why British culture is so wrapped up in having a royal family while their nation is being flooded with third world filth. The two things occurring simultaneously represents a great contradiction.

But despite all that, the original idea around royalty was based around genetics. It was a system designed to maintain a genetic line of people who would be fit to rule over a country or a kingdom. In the past, a member of any European royal family would have never considered marrying a woman with baboon blood in them. The entire spectacle spits in the face of tradition and what it means to be a royal.

At least when Prince William married Kate Middleton, it looked like a reasonable match. She might have been a commoner, but unlike Markle she’s not some type of half ape creature.

Prince Harry could have gotten almost any White woman he wanted. His status as British royalty ensured that, but for some unknown reason he chose Markle. If you put aside the racial issues, she’s in her mid-30s and is not good looking by any objective measure. He could have easily found a much better looking and much younger wife considering his position.

This entire situation has been such a dumb spectacle. They even brought in some nigger from America to deliver a sermon for the ceremonies. He rambled about Martin Luther King and some other nonsense.

Oh well, at least we won’t be tortured with seeing them in the daily media cycle any longer. Unfortunately, that will change as soon as Harry knocks her up.


I am getting really tired of having all this degenerate miscegenation crap rammed down my throat. I am tired of having my culture trashed out and destroyed. This whole “wedding” appears to be a staged BBC production with the express purpose of bringing down my race, heritage, and tradition. What a crass, tasteless spectacle.


I read that they spent £47,000,000 on the circus? I give it a year. At least it’s not like having a muslim in the family, they knocked that on the head really fast.

killed her right in the amberlamps


I hope they have something similar in mind for the mongrel bride.


Funny how the “House of Windsor” was spared from the same fate that befell the Hohenzollerns, Habsburgs and Romanovs?


Deep down I am a monarchist, but only if we can have royalty like this:


Like Mr. Stormer, I really don’t give a rat’s ass about all this royalty shit. Give me a strongman any day. One that rules with an iron fist, or both if need be.


Personally, I think most, if not all of the European Royalty was propped up by the yids. When they were finished with them, you had what happened in Russia back 1917 or France in 1789. Just their modus operandi. Yes, Kaiser Bill was right, dead right.


@JohnnyPaytoilet There is a direct and definite link between the overthrow of the Bourbon monarchs in 1789 and the overthrow of the Habsburgs, Romanovs and Hohenzollerns in WWI. The jews make their plans decades and sometimes even centuries in advance. It is now all too clear what they have in store for the rest of us. They may not succeed with their evil plans in our lifetimes but may do so in the generation or two that follow. It is still not too late to stop them!


A monarchy is great when you have a king like Edward I, who kicks the Jews out of the country. Unfortunately, Britain’s royals are now so cucked and supportive of cultural Marxism that they are helping to further the Jews’ nefarious agenda of world domination and White genocide. They are at best an irrelevance; at worst, traitors to their nation.

How ironic that cultural Marxism supporters in general are equivalent to radical Islamists who, in wanting to throw homosexuals (and likely GRIDS ‘victims’) off roofs, do not support a host’s attempt to restore health by repelling parasites, whether in the form of pathogens or hook-nosed Talmudic supremacists!


The downfall of the great Monarchies was a blow to the heart of our people, culture, and tradition, indeed of what we are as a race. This ancient and venerable concept, which far antedates Christianity, unites and elevates a people. The evil plans of the jews go even farther back in time; they also financed the tyrant Cromwell, murderer of Charles I, an enlightened and courageous man, a patron of the arts, and a true martyr who chose death before allowing the least diminishing of the high position he held, and the true interests of his country and people. What passes for monarchy today is a poor joke.



Every. Single. Time

From our ((( FRIENDS ))) at the Forward



RIP “Merrie Olde England”…It was a good run…




Spahn, I read that years ago. The plans for WW1 were laid out in the latter part of the 19th century, about 25 years or so before Archduke Fernie was permanently & unexpectedly relieved from royalty in 1914. We all know what happened next. Just remember, the Ottoman Empire also had to go to make way for Israel. Since the yids didn’t get their permanent HQ, a second world war had to be planned & executed in no time. Some speculation, but the Great Depression was engineered to prepare the US for WW2. Much of the hardware (like the B class bombers) used in that clusterfuck was actually designed in the 30’s which indicates the US government knew in advance of war. Also, nothing like war to get millions of unemployed men into battle & reopen thousands of factories to supply it.




It seems that most people realized at the time of the Armistice in 1918 that it was just a temporary suspension of fighting, that another World War was inevitable. That’s why I don’t believe the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor was a surprise at all, America had been preparing for such an event for 20 years.

Thanks, Woodrow Wilson (Wolfson?):six_pointed_star::-1:

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Place your bets!!! Place your bets!!!

I bet that she will get on a sex scandal 3 years from now. They will divorce with a mud baby that he will raise himself.



