Pocahontas Suddenly Has Major Problems With Twitter

Originally published at: Pocahontas Suddenly Has Major Problems With Twitter | Infostormer.com

Native American US Senator Pocahontas has major issues with how Elon Musk is running Twitter and is now claiming that one person shouldn’t decide how millions of people communicate.

NEW – Elizabeth Warren says Elon Musk should not be able to go into a "dark room" alone and make decisions.pic.twitter.com/GOvjNdK4hF

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 30, 2022

She had no issue when Jack Dorsey and that street shitter were doing the exact same thing. So the fact that she is now claiming this is just disingenuous. She’s only making this argument for political reasons. Dorsey and that street pooper made Twitter a total echo chamber for Jewish narratives, whereas Musk is attempting to create a level playing field for all to exchange ideas.

I’m not even opposed to government regulation of social media, but the only appropriate regulation by the government is that which ensures equal access and free speech for all. I highly doubt Pocahontas believes in that. She’d want the government forcing Twitter and other social media companies to blacklist people who disagree with ZOG narratives.


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