Pocahontas Releases DNA Tests

Originally published at: Pocahontas Releases DNA Tests | Infostormer.com

Elizabeth Warren otherwise known as Pocahontas has released her DNA tests. She was heavily criticized for claiming to be an Indian so she could get preferential employment treatment from Harvard University as a racial minority.

What’s comical is that much of the Jew-run media is saying that this proves she has “Native American” racial heritage. But the thing is, it is such a tiny fraction that it’s inconsequential.

ABC 30:

After major flaws in data were identified, the Boston Globe was forced to issue a correction on a story it published early Monday morning claiming that DNA tests show Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren could be 1/32 to 1/512 Native American.

The DNA study used to source the story turned out to not only have a "math error", but the test did not have enough Native American DNA with which to perform an accurate test that it instead used "samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to stand in for Native American."

The "math error" means that Warren may instead be only 1/64 to 1/1,024 Native American.

So best case scenario she's 1/32 engine. That's 0.03125 engine and even that isn't certain. She might only be 1/64 engine or 1/1024 engine. This is clearly not enough to declare one a racial minority as she has.

Despite that, Pocahontas is claiming that it is proof of her heritage and is demanding Donald Trump donate $1 million to charity. Really? The DNA results don’t prove shit.


And there’s this interesting tidbit about how the “Native American” portion of her DNA test might not even be that and is representative of Central American or South American blood.


What a shit show this is.

Regardless, her releasing this seems to indicate that she will be running for president in 2020. This bitch is as crazy if not crazier than Hillary Clinton. The fact that she’s considered a mainstream person in the Democrat Party says all you need to know about how insane they’ve gotten.



So one of her great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents was Amerindian? Maybe?

Yeah, I’m sure she knew that.


…They took the whole Cherokee Nation
Put us on this reservation…






You know what’s funny? If a white person has a little bit of Injun ancestry they’ll boast and brag about it. But if there’s a nigger in their DNA woodpile they are extremely embarassed and will refuse to even discuss it.


So this dumb ass basically debunked herself. The Cherokee nation submitted a statement that basically ‘scalps’ this entire retarded story and here it is:
“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America. Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and it’s legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”


holy crap! my great grandmother was native america. i’m signing-up for freebies asap!


She’s still pocahontas to me! I hope she runs in 2020.


LOL…this is just one example why i love infostormer…sometimes have to watch i’m not drinking my coffee when i read something like this.


Let me guess. She used 23 and Me, which specializes in attributing micro levels of nonexistent DNA to its hapless clients.

how many native americans are proud of their white DNA? same goes for negros? weird… these fools are proud to be stone-age, marble-mouths.