Pocahontas Drops Out of Presidential Race

Originally published at: Pocahontas Drops Out of Presidential Race | Infostormer.com

Indians everywhere must be greatly disappointed at this news. Elizabeth Warren aka Pocahontas has dropped out of the presidential race.


Elizabeth Warren, who electrified progressives with her “plan for everything” and strong message of economic populism, dropped out of the Democratic presidential race on Thursday, days after the onetime front-runner failed to win a single Super Tuesday state, not even her own.

For much of the past year, her campaign had all the markers of success, robust poll numbers, impressive fundraising and a sprawling political infrastructure that featured staffers on the ground across the country. But once voting began in February, she never found a reliable base of supporters as Democrats coalesced around Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, her progressive rival, and former Vice President Joe Biden, who established himself as the leading centrist in the race.

“I refuse to let disappointment blind me — or you — to what we’ve accomplished,” Warren told her campaign staff on a call Thursday. “We didn’t reach our goal, but what we have done together — what you have done — has made a lasting difference. It’s not the scale of the difference we wanted to make, but it matters.”

I guess she didn’t feel the need to continue her campaign seeing as how the Democrat establishment seems to have successfully screwed Bernie a second time.

It’s amazing that such a stupid woman ever got into a position where she could make it this far in a presidential race. All this woman did was spout incoherent and meaningless drivel on the campaign trail.

Her only selling point was that she had a hole between her legs. The Huffington Post is claiming that her campaign failed because of “sexism” and not because she was a stupid person and ran a horrible campaign.

She was qualified. She persisted. But sexism still mattered. https://t.co/EdtWEpVTT2

— HuffPost (@HuffPost) March 5, 2020

She pulled that bullshit with Bernie accusing him of being a sexist woman-hater and only a stupid person would have done that. That whole situation sunk her campaign and elevated Bernie.

Oh well, good riddance.



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