Plastic Producers Knew Recycling Plastic Was a Big Fraud

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The Guardian has published a new report getting into how plastics producers lied about the economic and logistical feasibility of recycling plastic.

Plastics producers have promoted recycling their products as an environmental solution for decades despite firsthand knowledge that it was not feasible, according to a new report

— The Hill (@thehill) February 16, 2024

They knew.

They lied.

Plastic producers have known for more than 30 years that recycling is not an economically or technically feasible plastic waste management solution.

— Greenpeace International (@Greenpeace) February 17, 2024

Point blank, the whole recycling thing is a scam and it is a scam that has been pushed on society everywhere. It is why stores started putting recycling buckets next to trash buckets. Many places go further and have different buckets for different categories of items that allegedly get recycled. They literally want you to divide your trash to help perpetuate the lie.


This fraud has allowed for the mass production of plastic bottles and other plastic items which have subsequently found its way into oceans. This unlike global warming is a real environmental problem and it is rarely talked about in comparison. People think they are doing their part for the environment by recycling when in fact they are enabling the continued production of these plastics by giving credibility to the recycling lie.

My home town when giving out trash buckets purposefully provided a larger bucket for recycling and a smaller bucket for normal trash. This was a cynical psychological tactic designed to get people to recycle against their will. There are many such cases of this.

If our society wasn’t dominated by retarded women, homosexuals and Jews plastic bottles would have already been banned.

I’ve always thought recycling was for gay faggots and this story just further confirms my position. I always put my trash in normal trash buckets. I want all my trash going into landfills because unlike homosexual recyclers I actually care about the environment.



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