Philadelphia: Blacks Riot After Cops Shoot Armed Black Man Dead

Originally published at: Philadelphia: Blacks Riot After Cops Shoot Armed Black Man Dead |

A black man armed with a knife was shot dead by police and blacks are rioting all over Philadelphia because of it.

Officials in Philadelphia are preparing for another night of unrest after officers shot and killed a Black man who was holding a knife in an encounter the police commissioner & mayor say raises questions. 30 officers were injured during protests afterward.

— CNN (@CNN) October 27, 2020

He was only shot because he refused to put down the knife. You can watch the video footage for yourself and see what happened.

The blacks don’t view it that way though. The blacks believe that the police officers only shot him because they are Nazis and members of the KKK. They think that cops want to genocide them because Jews told them this.

Andy Ngo has posted lots of the riot footage on his Twitter feed. It’s just your standard black rioting and looting that we have seen in various parts of the country throughout the year.

Police run away and retreat from a mob of BLM rioters in Philadelphia.

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 27, 2020

Mass looting breaks out at clothing and shoe store during tonight’s BLM riot in Philadelphia.

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 27, 2020

At the Philadelphia BLM riot, a cop got hit or run over by a speeding vehicle.

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 27, 2020

Video of the police vehicle that was set on fire in Philadelphia by BLM rioters.

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 27, 2020

I doubt these riots will continue much longer. It’s getting cold in Philadelphia so I don’t think they’ll be able to sustain this even if the Jewish media pushes this as the number one news story. But they probably won’t be able to do that with the election looming.

At least Donald Trump can use this chaos to push a law and order message in the final days before the election. Rioting and looting is not popular among the general public.


Any excuse for the knuckledraggers these days.


When I first heard of the uprising I thought - another CHIMPOUT. The more I learned this is just the Blacks taking advantage of a temporary situation, similiar to a power outage. “free at last” “free at last” the store merchandise is free at last, but this will not last.

BLM Rioters in Philadelphia Threaten, Assault, and Chase Out Jews

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