Pentagon to Deploy 320 Soldiers to Babysit Migrant Invaders

Originally published at: Pentagon to Deploy 320 Soldiers to Babysit Migrant Invaders |

We have a $700 billion a year military and we can’t even use it to defend the nation’s borders. Instead, it is being used to babysit the people invading the country while we wage endless wars for Israel.


The U.S. military said on Monday it would send about 320 Defense Department personnel to the border with Mexico in roles that would increasingly put them in contact with migrants, including driving them in vehicles and “monitoring” their welfare.

The Pentagon’s statement said the latest deployment would alone cost about $7.4 million through September and broadly confirmed details of the deployment previewed on Friday

The U.S. military deployments at the border, which now include about 5,000 forces, are being closely watched by proponents and foes of President Donald Trump’s politically charged immigration policies.

How about using the military to send them back to where they came from? What sort of fuckery is this any way? Deploying troops to babysit invaders is the most insane concept imaginable.

If Israel can shoot and gas Palestinians trying to enter their country, we should be doing the same thing to these goblin hordes who are invading by the thousands. What is so difficult about this?

America is not even a country. It is simply a territory under Zionist occupation.


So I flipped on FoxNews just to see what PrezDrimpf is up to in Venezuala and there is this FoxNews reporter at the border showing how Border Patrol is directing families of well-fed, well-dressed spics who had just waltzed into the US to get on buses to be taken to be processed - it is complete fucking insanity. And from what I have read these US troops are going to drive buses and serve meals to these wetbacks.


it would be better if Trump just DID NOTHING and let the leftists and sanctuary cities become overwhelmed .


The military’s job is to protect Israel, not the US. BiBi dictates how the military gets used, not Trump.


yes, and to protect Fed Jew Banksters who OWN The USA.

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