Pentagon May Send 300 Troops to Process Invaders

Originally published at: Pentagon May Send 300 Troops to Process Invaders |

Donald Trump’s failure on the border is becoming increasingly obvious by the day. The Pentagon is thinking about sending 300 more troops to the border, not to protect the country but help process these invaders and give them humanitarian aid.


The Pentagon may send about 300 more troops to the U.S.-Mexico border in roles that could put them in contact with migrants and thus mark a break from current practice, officials said.

Charles Summers, a spokesman for Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan, said Shanahan was expected to approve the proposal, which was developed as a response to a call from the Department of Homeland Security for additional military assistance.

The new troops would be in support roles such as driving buses with detained migrants and providing meals to them. It would also include Department of Defense lawyers helping to process the migrants.

There currently are about 2,900 active-duty troops operating in support of DHS at the border, plus about 2,000 National Guard troops. A key aspect of the policy governing military involvement at the border has been a prohibition on direct contact with migrants. This is meant to emphasis that the military is not in a law enforcement role.

What’s the point of spending $700 billion a year on a military if it isn’t even used to defend our own borders? Instead, they’re using the military to give aid and comfort to people who are invading our land.

If the Democrats really wanted to impeach Trump, they could actually do it on his failure to secure the border and his connections to the foreign country of Israel. But instead, they idiotically focus in on hoaxes like the Russia bullshit and his taxes.




and whoever is paying for the savages to invade, KNOWS that Trump is now totally controlled and so is doing to The USA what he has done to Europe… this can’t happen without The Consent of The Governed.

it’s really working out splendidly for Soros. the savages are bringing in new diseases that were virtually wiped-out and that means FORCED VACCINATIONS and who knows what they are putting in those shots. probably viruses that wake-up in a decade et…


You need a better leader.


we need a revolution.