Pentagon Claims New Pictures Prove Iran Attacked Oil Tankers

Originally published at: Pentagon Claims New Pictures Prove Iran Attacked Oil Tankers |

After claiming a blurry black and white video showing nothing conclusive was proof that Iran attacked a couple of oil tankers, the Pentagon has now released some photos that they also say represents conclusive proof of Iran doing bad deeds.


The US Navy has released new photos of the aftermath of the attack on oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. The images are said to show an Iranian speedboat, approaching one of the vessels to remove an unexploded limpet mine.

The new images show the same episode earlier featured in a very low-quality black and white video released by the US military. The new pictures – clearer and colored – appear to be screengrabs from aerial footage of the incident.

The pictures show a speedboat, said to be Iranian, approaching the Japanese-owned tanker ‘Kokuka Courageous’ from the starboard side and removing a device that Pentagon insists is a limpet mine. According to Washington, this imagery somehow proves that Tehran was behind the attack.

“Iran is responsible for the attack based on video evidence and the resources and proficiency needed to quickly remove the unexploded limpet mine,” the US military said in a statement.

These photos prove absolutely nothing. Seriously, WTF do these photos prove? What the hell am I even looking at here?

Next they’ll probably tell us that they recovered a couple of Iranian passports in the Persian Gulf and say that this also represents proof that Iran attacked those oil tankers.

This whole narrative is retarded as fuck. They should just give it a rest and pretend as if none of this ever happened. There isn’t a single person on the Internet who seriously believes this bullshit.


This is the best assessment I can find so far as to actually how Israel pulled the false flag off.
The “donated” Dolphin class German submarines that Israel has are armed with a smaller version of a cruise missile called the Popeye, similar design with less payload.

The plan is to continue these unscrupulous false flags against Iran while the ZOG media attempts to employ the Delphi technique to gain consensus from the sheeple to go to war.


They aren’t even removing a mine but inspecting the damage inflicted (which is probably from other forces and not Iran).


if this were a covert mission one would think that they’d use a camouflage boat not a BRIGHT WHITE boat.

apparently the Iranian master-plan was to blow-up a japanese oil tanker (but not sink it) while Tehran is meeting with The Japanese about a much needed oil sales to Japan so that Trump can attack and destroy Iranian nuclear bomb making factories before they get a chance to make a bomb to defend themselves from Israel. it all makes so much sense…


Expect these false flags and sob stories about Iranian attacks to increase until American sheeple are convinced that Iran is a direct threat to the U.S. - just like Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Jews that run the war munitions industry must be fed and Israel must be kept safe.

This will also feed the refugee pipeline so expect millions of refugee Iranians to flood into the U.S. - got to keep diluting the White population.

Happens when your country is under Jew control.


They wouldn’t have done much worse with this:


Could be Iran, but this was also an attack on Japan… Iran would gain nothing from this and only receive a harsh reprisal, so no it was not Iran. Masoud agents? Israel certainly is a prime suspect simply look at all of the animosity between the two of them.

China? China does have a newly acquired military base in Djibouti which is not to far from there. This was done by a country that can say “meh” if blamed. Us would not dare harm Israel, and China is just too fucking strong to take military measures against over this matter.




As a kid in high school I never understood why we would accept refugees from a country we are at war with. Now I get it. The jew problem is something that needs to be taken care of soon or later, I just hope it’s not too late. God we need some help.


We need help from all the ones sitting watching talmudvision and from those keenly observing brain-deads running after a ball on a pitch or court.


Yes it was a jab at Japan too. It was absolutely none other than USaudISISrael who did it.



Of course these “people” should be ruling over us…and of course we should trust them and their anti-white information monopolies.


even Liz Wheeler on youtube gave a softball interview to a scumbag, neocon warhawk lawmaker on Iran. no mention of the OBVIOUS, childish false-flag nor was there a mention about THE OWNER OF THE TANKER who says that it wasn’t Iran and that it was a drone strike.