Pelosi: No Wall Money in Border Security Legislation

Originally published at: Pelosi: No Wall Money in Border Security Legislation |

Nancy Pelosi held her weekly press conference today and babbled incoherently about how she would not give Donald Trump any money for a border wall.

She keeps talking about using “technology” which is ridiculous. You need a physical barrier or a wall as a foundation. Technology can be used to augment the wall but by itself is pretty much useless.

I’m really sick of this old hag. She’s basically saying that she’s not going to bring up any bill for a vote that has funding for the border wall. Even if this Congressional group that’s working on a compromise border security package includes wall funding, it looks as if she’ll ultimately sabotage it for political reasons.

This is why I was in favor of Trump continuing the shutdown. I get that he agreed to re-open it for strategic reasons, but the exercise that’s going on right now is a waste of time. It has also provided endless fodder for his enemies to attack him and has demoralized his base.

It is looking more and more likely that there’s going to be no agreement at the end of these three weeks and Trump will attempt to do the wall unilaterally. But that’s if and only if we aren’t engaged in a full fledged war in Venezuela by that time. It just seems as if overthrowing the Venezuelan government is a more pressing matter for the Trump administration than anything else at the moment.


Nothing but lies from this bitch


Trump needs to get with his billionaire buds and just fund the damned thing bypassing congress. the news coverage would be incredible and long lasting. Trump’s approval would go to 60% .


make Venezuela a welfare state again

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Gotta keep the Democrat voters flowing in to replace all the Whites that have fled for Trump and MAGA

Race replacement for thee but not for me…

Your family’s time will come, Pelosi, it will come…and NO wall is going to protect you.


I’ve never seen such White privilege in my life, except from Mitt Romney’s family.


Hard to believe that there aren’t some khazarian genetics floating around in this pic.


Piglosi’s constituents depend of illegal slave workers. Piglosi knows a wall will work. That’s why she won’t take the compromise Trump has offered. I don’t like giving the DACA spics amnesty, but from a more centrist viewpoint, it’s a perfectly good compromise. But the Jews’ media wants to keep people in the dark about the compromises Trump has offered. Keeping us in the dark makes people who are more easily led.

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He needs to just declare a national emergency. Fuck the DACA spics.


he can’t do that until the Super-Court Sea Hag dies.

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i hope an illegal alien rapes and murders some members of her family.

