Pederasts Being Rebranded "Minor Attracted Persons"

Originally published at: Pederasts Being Rebranded “Minor Attracted Persons” |

I said years ago that after they normalized all the tranny nonsense that they would begin portraying pederasts in a sympathetic light. This has been happening for a little while now.

Here’s a viral clip posted by “Libs of TikTok” showing a Pennsylvania prison counselor claiming that these people have been wrongly vilified. She says that “pedophiles” should be called “minor attracted persons.”

🚨 Licensed counselor and sex therapist advocates for “MAPs” (minor attracted persons). She says they are “vilified” and “marginalized” and shouldn’t be referred to as pedophiles

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) August 10, 2022

Raping children is how homosexuals reproduce. Since they can’t impregnate another man by fucking them in their butthole, they have to sexually groom young children. Kids who are raped by a homosexual or are sexually abused by a homosexual are much more likely to become homosexuals themselves. The fact that we now see people trying to normalize this evil practice is really quite a thing.

Years ago, I didn’t have a strong opinion about homosexuality other than me thinking that they were disgusting mentally ill people. This was before this type of stuff was fully out in the open and promoted.

I’m at the point now where I want these queers to suffer the death penalty. We have seen the results of what happens when you let homosexuals run wild. It started with them claiming that they just wanted legalized homosexual marriage and a decade later we are dealing with child trannies and an attempt to normalize sexual relations with kids. You can’t give these people an inch. These queers and the people who are protecting them simply deserve to be killed.

I would fully support a law that would punish homosexuals with the death penalty. Preferably the execution of these people would happen on an Internet livestream to send a message to any other faggot thinking of engaging in this sick behavior.

My view is actually in line with various religious texts including what’s in the Bible. From a historical perspective my position is not an extreme one. It is only extreme relative to the deranged Jew society that we live in and I believe that this current situation is a historical anomaly that will be impossible to sustain. There’s an abundant amount of evidence showing us that this Jew system is in the process of collapsing.

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They’ve been working on this for at least a decade - as they did normalizing homosexuality.

Pedophilia WILL be normalized, I’m sure of it - just as children changing genders via heavy-duty hormones on their still-growing bodies and mutilation surgery has been normalized.


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