Paul Manafort Strikes Plea Deal with Special Counsel

Originally published at: Paul Manafort Strikes Plea Deal with Special Counsel |

Al ofl this stuff with Paul Manafort is a circus. The special counsel went after him for financial crimes dating back many years in order to try and get Manafort to say bad things about Donald Trump. He just struck a plea deal to end the insanity. As part of the deal, he is apparently going to cooperate with the special counsel.

Manafort was only with the Trump campaign for a few months. He was brought on board to help with the delegate process at the Republican convention. It’s hard to believe that he has anything substantive on Trump. Of course, the Jew-run media is acting like this is a huge deal and that Manafort is going to expose Trump as having been a KGB agent dating back to the 1980s.

The bottom line is that there is still no evidence of Russian collusion. You’d think Robert Mueller would give up this stupidity and issue his goofy report already. How much more investigating does he need to do? It’s time for the country to move on.

The average American doesn’t give a shit about any of this. They just want the country fixed and all of this Russia bullshit been a giant distraction from Trump focusing in on what’s important.

Mueller is a traitor to this country for going on this fishing expedition. He’ll waste our time with this but when he was FBI Director, he let Israel Mossad agents return to Israel even though they were caught documenting and celebrating the 9/11 attacks.


The verdict is in ! The Jew Woodward looked really really hard and found no evidence of Russian collusion Goyim…

" Veteran reporter Bob Woodward said Friday that he conducted a thorough investigation into possible Trump-Russia collusion while researching his latest book, “Fear: Trump in the White House,” but found no evidence of a conspiracy."


Bob “Muh Three Shekel” Woodward finally gets Something right. Who would have thought?

But don’t you think,” Trump said on Fox News, “people look through the fact that you can write a sensational nonsense book, CNN will definitely have you on there because they love to trash the president, and it will mean that you sell three extra books and you make three extra shekels, at the behest of the American people?"
