Parkland School Shooter Flooded With Fan Mail From Sick Whores

Originally published at: Parkland School Shooter Flooded With Fan Mail From Sick Whores |

Women are sick and demented whores. Think I’m joking? If so, why are so many women sending fan mail to the mentally deranged kike Nikolas Cruz who shot up a high school?


Confessed Parkland school gunman Nikolas Cruz is getting stacks of fan mail and love letters along with hundreds of dollars for his commissary account.

Fans span from teenage girls to women and even older men – some sending suggestive pictures tucked inside greeting cards.

Other fans offered friendship and encouragement to the gunman.

There are also Facebook communities where members talk about how they can help Cruz.

As for his commissary account, it’s currently up to $800.

In one of the letters, a Texas woman wrote, “I reserve the right to care about you, Nikolas!” That letter was mailed six days after Cruz opened fire in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, killing 17 people on February 14th.

In another letter dated March 15th, a teen wrote to Cruz, “I’m 18-years-old. I’m a senior in high school. When I saw your picture on the television, something attracted me to you.”

Just let this register for a second. This Cruz character is an insane and ugly piece of shit yet women are sending him fan mail because they view him as a dangerous bad boy character.

This is why my opinion of women are so low. They’re mostly all a bunch of disgusting and evil sluts who don’t have the agency to sort out what’s in their best interest.

But this is what happens when women are given freedom. They can’t deal with it and they ultimately go insane and do insane things. It is why for centuries, women were considered property of their father until he married her off to a suitable husband.

When you see stories like this, how can anybody say that giving freedom to women has been a positive thing? Look at what they do with it. All they do is destroy and in the process destroy themselves with it.


Well for you guys that want white Sharia and the ones who advocate rape gangs I say grow up and find a nice woman in church not a skank from a club. Not all women are whores. You just got to know where to look.


This may be true. However, the female brain has certain whorish tendencies which were developed over evolutionary time as necessary survival skills. And for the record, I’m married & we have two sons & a daughter.


And rape was a survivor skill at one point but it’s not OK to rape. We as humans know what’s right and what’s wrong and whores know they are wrong but they don’t care and there isn’t enough slut shaming anymore. Public humiliation is a powerful tool that needs to be brought back.


I can still remember the first time I was waiting at the local courthouse,while the local powers that be decided if I was good juror material.

( as it happens,I wasn’t. I was sent home with a “thank you” and a check for six whole dollars,U.S. money,be still my heart )

Anyway,I was shocked by the girl parade I got to watch while I was standing outside for a smoke break,since the break coincided with visiting hours at the jail.

Way,way more girls showing up than I would have thought plausible. Every one was dolled up,most of them were carrying cakes,cookies,or other care packages,and most of them were pretty damned decent looking. Oh-and at least half were White,and I know damned well that the jail population is most certainly not.

Never underestimate the attraction of bad guys. Are AWALT? Maybe not,but it’s not a characteristic that can ever be safely ignored.

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I’m sure that all those girls writing to Cruz will grow up to be responsible voters.



Those Dumbo ears must have some magical powers over women.


Uncle Charlie rec’d thousands and thousands of love letters from women who venerated him. They like guys who are “bad boys”, because such men are more likely to produce desirable offspring, including boys who will grow up to defend and protect their mother. It sounds very primitive, but despite all the centuries of White progress we are never more than one or two steps removed from being cave-men.



Spahn, no doubt, the same thing happened to Richard Speck. Just remember, the crime he committed was just as horrendous, only three years earlier. Plus had Charles Whitman lived, a lot of guys would have held him as an anti-hero of some sort. Ahhhhhh, the 1960’s, what a decade to behold & remember, big time!

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Sorry, but the majority of girls today are nothing but selfish, rude, overweight, brainless sheep, demi Gods who think every male should bow to them. They have zero regard for anyone but themselves. It is ALL about them. Witnessed this over and over from any scenario you can think of.