Over Two-Thirds of Americans Pessimistic About Economy

Originally published at: Over Two-Thirds of Americans Pessimistic About Economy | Infostormer.com

Americans are very pessimistic about the economy with over two-thirds saying the economy is not in good shape.

Poll finds more than two-thirds of US pessimistic about the economy https://t.co/QuqoOyngFc pic.twitter.com/jF9dFMcxIZ

— New York Post (@nypost) April 18, 2023

They are right to be pessimistic. The economy is in horrible shape and it is only going to get worse as the world distances itself from the US Dollar.

We have a Jewish regime that has usurped the government and is implementing the most insane and crazy policies imaginable. There is no attempt to fix any of the problems. They are only doing things to make everything increasingly worse. They don’t seem to get that by doing this, they are undermining their own power.

For the latest economic doom news here’s Jeremiah Babe’s latest video.



When a poll of this type says 2/3 then you know it’s somewhere in the 90% range. the only people who aren’t pessimistic about the desperate shape of our economy are lying bankster Jews and their lying politician puppets. .

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There’s a Carl’s Jr. in my Los Angeles neighborhood with a huge banner in front that says Hiring on the Spot, $16.50 an hour. So I guess you can just walk in without a resume and come out with a job. Only that sign’s been up for over a week, so either no one is applying, or the people who do are so stupid they can’t even work at Carl’s Jr.

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