Over Half of Six-Figure Earners Live Paycheck to Paycheck

Originally published at: Over Half of Six-Figure Earners Live Paycheck to Paycheck | Infostormer.com

More than half of people who make six-figures are apparently living paycheck to paycheck.

BREAKING: More than 50% of all six-figure earners have said they are living paycheck to paycheck, an all-time high, per CNBC.

— unusual_whales (@unusual_whales) February 6, 2023

I’d like to know what these people are spending their money on. I get that there’s inflation and all sorts of bad economic shit going on, but if you are making over six figures, you really shouldn’t be in this position.

This is mostly bad financial planning by these people that has been exacerbated by the poor economic situation. They’re spending money on homes, cars, vacations and other things they can’t afford because they want to impress other people.

If you are spending money on things to impress others, you are basically a dumbass. There’s nothing wrong with buying a nice car or a nice home if you can afford it and are doing it for yourself or your family. But buying things primarily because you care about what strangers think of you is retarded. It is also a feminine way of thinking.

This type of excess and decadence is rapidly coming to an end. The crashing economy is going to force many of these people to change their behavior.


Take into account that probably way over half of them are divorced, and the males will usually have to pay more than half their income.

LOL… and YES, that’s the way women think. the kicker is that they have sacrificed everything to get two pos, SUV’s, a big house, gigantic Tee Vees in every room, strangers raising their babies and debt to their eyeballs and THEY STILL AREN’T HAPPY… In fact they couldn’t be more unhappy. All you have to do is drive down the roadway to know this. Everyone is hostile and on the verge of going OJ… Bankster Jews have got The Goyim by the balls, enslaving them with debt and injecting them with poison and news-Jews tell The Goyim that the source of their woes is an enemy of Israel and for them to be happy again they must sacrifice their sons and daughters to more wars for the Jews. The TV Normies fall for it every single time…

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