Outrage Ensues After Joe Rogan Endorses the Jew Bernie Sanders

Originally published at: Outrage Ensues After Joe Rogan Endorses the Jew Bernie Sanders | Infostormer.com

Twitter is pure cancer. It has mostly become an echo chamber for deranged mouth breathing retards who feel a need to be outraged about everything. It is not a true reflection of reality because Twitter has banned almost everyone who disagrees with this abject insanity.

Not even the Communist Jew Bernie Sanders can accept an endorsement from Joe Rogan without feeling the wrath of these hateful assholes.

“I think I'll probably vote for Bernie… He’s been insanely consistent his entire life. He’s basically been saying the same thing, been for the same thing his whole life. And that in and of itself is a very powerful structure to operate from.” -Joe Rogan pic.twitter.com/fuQP0KwGGI

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 23, 2020

I’m no fan of Joe Rogan but apparently these people view Rogan as a very evil individual and the Jew Bernie is also evil for accepting the endorsement of an allegedly very evil individual like Rogan.

Bernie Sanders criticized for embracing support from Joe Rogan https://t.co/q6vcpjSA3P

— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) January 25, 2020

Joe Rogan today, Richard Spencer tomorrow? David Duke?

If we’re for throwing minorities under the bus to win over the white working class is that the next step?

We’ve said for years the anti-identity politics, class over race argument would lead to this.

— Marcus H. Johnson (@marcushjohnson) January 24, 2020

If Bernie and his supporters want to ignore Joe Rogan's transphobia and fucked up views on race, they really just need to say so.

They want these toxic male supporters without dealing with their misogyny because of votes. I get it.

But don't pretend we don't notice.

— Terrell J. Starr (@Russian_Starr) January 25, 2020

This is a pathetic response and I’m done. It is clear the Bernie Sanders campaign does not care about holding transphobia accountable, among the many other awful things Joe Rogan has perpetuated on his program.

I am a human being and a trans person. I am not “another belief”. https://t.co/QCwpRCDb09

— Charlotte Clymer🏳️‍🌈 (@cmclymer) January 24, 2020

Rogan is hardly a controversial figure, but since so many people have been banned from the digital public square, he is being presented as a controversial person so the Jew Bernie can be attacked.

It is weird that the Jewish media is using this situation to attack the Jew Bernie, but it is clear that the Jew Bernie’s brand of Communism is not something they want in mainstream political discourse. This is why they are promoting this fake outrage scandal over the Rogan endorsement. They are obviously not happy that the Jew Bernie is surging in the polls and could potentially win both the Iowa and New Hampshire contests.


This must be his shout-out to Jews - he wants to keep his “talk show” and his job with the UFC.


Communism (poverty, police state, mass death) for the masses, but not for me:


Why would any reasonable politician be worried about trans votes, they’re probably 0.1% of the voter base.