Outrage After China Revokes Visas of Three WSJ "Journalists"

Originally published at: Outrage After China Revokes Visas of Three WSJ “Journalists” | Infostormer.com

The fat Zionist piece of shit Mike Pompeo and many others are on social media whining about China revoking the visas of three Wall Street Journal journalists claiming that this proves that China is against press freedom.

The United States condemns the move by China to expel three @WSJ journalists. Mature, responsible countries understand that a free press reports facts and expresses opinions. China should not restrict #freespeech. https://t.co/szm0ujq2Ua

— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) February 19, 2020

Talk about a bullshit statement from fat Mike.

China objectively has much more press freedom than the United States, so it is absurd for Pompeo or others Americans to cast stones at them.

In the United States you aren’t even allowed to have a social media account or use various financial services if you have views which don’t coincide with Jew-enforced politically correct norms.

At least in China you can criticize faggots, niggers and discuss conspiracies on the Internet without losing your job and having your life ruined. Sure, you might not be able to criticize the government all that forcefully, but there is a wider range of things you can talk about without facing life-altering consequences.

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