Oregon Health Official Appears as Clown to Announce Virus Deaths

Originally published at: Oregon Health Official Appears as Clown to Announce Virus Deaths | Infostormer.com

A short time ago, an Oregon health official decided to dress up as a clown as she announced the daily coronavirus death toll.

A senior Oregon health official wears a clown costume while announcing the daily death toll from coronavirus. https://t.co/abOHWzdlxe

— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 28, 2020

The public announcement made by these women is one of the most bizarre things I think I’ve ever seen.

Not only did it feature this woman dressed up as a clown promoting virus hysteria, but there was another woman dressed up in some type of weird animal costume. She was telling people about alternatives to trick or treating which has been cancelled.

Each of them would remove their mask talk and then put their mask back on when they were finished speaking. All the while, the guy doing sign language filled up half the screen.

I would like to think that this incredibly strange display was done intentionally as a joke, but what’s more likely is that these women have gone insane and thought that this was a normal thing to do. This virus hoax and subsequent lockdowns have already caused people to turn to drugs and commit suicide. So it is perfectly reasonable to believe that previously normal people will lose their minds in increasingly larger numbers the longer this goes on.

Plus, women generally lack self awareness to begin with and it is doubtful that they had any knowledge of clown world memes nor considered how this presentation would be perceived by a substantial portion of the audience.

There is a very good chance that the people promoting this virus hysteria are themselves going crazy from the very restrictions that they are pushing on the public. After all, it isn’t like they are fully immune from them. This public announcement seems to indicate that this has already started to happen. I think we are going to see many famous and prominent people snap and behave erratically as this era of virus hysteria continues.


The sign language “interpreter” should have had hand puppets.

image, image

“S’all right”


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